Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


History Students to Present at Weekend of Excellence

Saturday, April 16

Graduate School Interdisciplinary Research Symposium, Quinlan Life Sciences Building Auditorium, First Floor

Paper Session A


Mapping Feminine Felonies in Chicago, 1870-1920- Rachel Boyle, PhD Candidate


Digital Mapping to (Re) Envision the the Geographies of Antislavery Newspapers and Black Networks for Print Distribution, 1823-1833-  Nathan Jeremie-Brink, PhD Candidate

Paper Session B

1:30PM, Room 212

Nineteenth-Century Jesuits and the Making of the St. Ignatius College Library, Michael Albani, History MA

Undergraduate  Research and Engagement Symposium, Mundelein Center Auditorium

Research Poster Session I: 11-12:30PM

Poster 12

Outside the Army: An In-depth Look at the Duke of Cumberland's Personnel - Sarah Deas, '16 Provost Fellowship 

Poster 13

The Cultural Defiance of Women Religious: Speaking Volumes through the Removal of Habits - Claire Blankenship, '17

Research Poster Session II: 2-3:30PM

Poster 82

Cardinal George William Mundelein: Chicago Catholicism from 1929-1923 - Hector Bahena, '17, Mulcahy Scholars Program

Jesuit Libraries Provenance Project-1840's Jesuit Book Trade - Brendan Courtois '16 and Dan Snow

Research Paper Oral Presentations, 12:50PM-2PM

Mundelein 303

Cardinal George William Mundelein: Chicago Catholicism from 1929-1933 - Hector Bahena '17, Mulcahy Scholars Program 

Foreign Americans: Immigrant Catholics in 19th Century Chicago - Kyle Jenkins, '16

Building an Indentity: An Artistic Study of Irish Catholic Ethnic Parishes in Chicago - Susannah Heissner '17

A Roman Martyr in LA: The Impact of Fabiola on Catholic Literary History - Olivia Raymond '18

Mundelein 406

Dog Fighting in Chicago - Lauren Rogers '16, Provost Fellowship

The "Golden Age" of the French Foreign Legion: A Cultural Analysis of the Legion through Film and Memoir Depictions - Katherine Will '16, Provost Fellowship

The Excellence Awards Ceremony-by invitation

Sr. Jean Dolores Schmidt MPR, Damen Student Center, 7:00PM

History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) President, Hope Shannon, along with Vice President Fazila Kabahita, and Treasurer Kelly Schmidt will represent HGSA for their nomination for the Loyola Graduate and Adult Leadership Award for an Outstanding GPA Student Organization.