Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Dr. Raúl Rodríguez to speak Nov. 2 and 3

Dr. Raúl Rodríguez to speak Nov. 2 and 3

Dr. Raúl Rodríguez is a Researcher and Professor at La Universidad de la Habana where he teaches courses on US history and Canadian Studies. He has taught in the United States, Canada, and Austria and lectures around the globe on various topics, most recently on Cuban foreign policy and the stalemate in US-Cuban relations at the University of London. His areas of specialization include US-Cuban relations and Caribbean-Canadian studies.

On November 2, the History Department will host Dr. Rodríguez for a roundtable discussion with interested faculty and graduate students at 1:30 pm.

On November 3, Dr. Rodríguez will give a talk on US-Cuban relations at 5 pm in Cuneo Hall Room 312. This talk is sponsored by the Latin American and Latin@ Studies program and the Philosophy Department.