Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Undergraduate Essay Contest

2015 Undergraduate Essay Contest

The History Essay Contest, sponsored by the Department of History, gives undergraduate students the opportunity to gain recognition for excellence. Students whose entries are judged to merit awards by the History Department faculty will be eligible for cash prizes: 1st prize, $250; 2nd prize, $200; 3rd prize, $150. Seniors will be recognized at the Awards Program for the College of Arts and Sciences.


  • Any current undergraduate student at Loyola University Chicago is eligible to enter the contest.
  • The entry should deal with a historical theme or topic, or a subject of current or general interest discussed from a historical perspective. Any essay written for an undergraduate history course at Loyola in 2014 or 2015 is eligible. One essay per person may be submitted.
  • Entries must be typed on standard (8-1/2" x 11") paper, double-spaced, with numbered pages. The entry should not exceed twenty-five pages, exclusive of bibliography and notes.
  • Three copies of each manuscript must be submitted. The copies should not be bound or fastened in a cover. The following information should appear on the cover page only: title, author's name and permanent address, course for which the paper was written, and semester in which the paper was written. The author’s name should not appear on subsequent pages.
  • Entries must also include notes and a bibliography of sources used. On correct footnote and bibliography form, see Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th edition.
  • Entries will be judged on the basis of content and style. To qualify for an award, the entry must be accurate in grammar and spelling and must be clear in its organization and presentation.
  • Entries must be submitted no later than March 10, 2015, to the History Department at the Lake Shore Campus (Crown Center 503). Winning papers will be announced during the last week of classes.


The judges of this year’s competition will be Professors Leslie Dossey, Aidan Forth, Benjamin Johnson, and Kim Searcy.
For further information, please contact any member of the faculty of the Department of History or the secretary of the department at LSC.