Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Professor Rosenwein Publishes New Book

Professor Rosenwein Publishes New Book

Professor Emerita Barbara Rosenwein's new book, Generations of Feeling: A History of Emotions, 600-1700, recently published by Cambridge University Press, examines the history of emotions in pre-modern and early-modern Western Europe. Using a case studies of emotional communities in England and France, Rosenwein demonstrates the ways in which emotions and their expression responded to and influenced social, cultural, and religious norms over the course of eleven centuries of European history.

Generations of Feeling has already garnered glowing reviews.  Christina Lutter, of the University of Vienna, writes that "Barbara Rosenwein's pioneering account masterly bridges the gap between the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times to show the historicity of emotions, and their making and unmaking over time within a variety of emotional communities." William Reddy, of Duke University, explains that "through a series of micro-historical case studies, Rosenwein elaborates a vision of European history in terms of multiple interacting emotional communities, each repurposing the emotional schemes of the past, within a larger legacy of Western conceptions."

Congratulations on this achievement, Dr. Rosenwein!