Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Recent Graduates Secure Tenure-Track Positions

Several recent graduates of Loyola's PhD program have secured tenure-track teaching positions at universities around the world.

Adam Shprintzen (PhD 2011) begins his tenure as Assistant Professor of History at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania this fall.  At Marywood, Shprintzen will teach on nineteenth century and revolutionary-era America, with classes focusing on social reform, digital history, environmental history, labor history and urban history. In addition, as part of the university's emphasis on service, Shprintzen plans to help develop programs promoting intercultural and interfaith exchange on campus.  Dr. Shprintzen also published his first book titled, The Vegetarian Crusade: The Rise of an American Reform Movement, 1817-1921 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013).

Stella Ress (PhD 2014) starts her job as Assistant Professor of Public History at University of Southern Indiana this fall.  Dr. Ress will teach undergraduate courses in U.S. history, public history, and arts and heritage administration.  The University of Southern Indiana is located in Evansville, Indiana, and has close ties with regional historic institutions, including Historic New Harmony, a utopia socialist community founded in the 1820s, and the offices of Historic Southern Indiana.

Cord Scott (PhD 2011) started a full-time teaching position at the American University of the Middle East in Kuwait City this January.  Dr. Scott's first book, Comics and Conflict: Patriotism and Propaganda from World War II through Operation Iraqi Freedom, based on his dissertation supervised by Dr. Lewis Erenberg, will be published in the fall by the Naval Institute Press.

Congratulations to these accomplished graduates!