Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Professionalization Workshops for Graduate Students on April 29th and May 3rd

Two professionalization workshops for graduate students on preparing for the academic job and for grant writing were offered this spring by faculty members.

Preparing for the Academic Job Market

It is never too early to think about the academic job market. Please join Professors Aidan Forth, Michelle Nickerson, Kyle Roberts, and Ellie Shermer on Monday, April 29th, from 3 to 5 pm in Granada Center 291 for a workshop on preparing for the job market. Each faculty member will talk about her or his experience on the job market, offering candid advice based on firsthand knowledge.

The workshop will focus on the materials that you need in your portfolio before you apply for a job. The faculty will tackle such questions as:

  • What should I have on my CV?
  • What kind of writing sample works best?
  • Who should I ask to write recommendation letters for me?
  • How do I balance teaching and research interests in my cover letter?
  • What goes into teaching and research statements?
  • What sort of online persona should I have?

Please bring a copy of your most recent CV with you. There will also be time to ask other questions not listed above. Every graduate student planning on applying for an academic position should plan on attending, regardless of how far advanced in the course she or he is.  Please sign up for this workshop with Amelia Serafine (aserafine@luc.edu).

Grant Writing Workshop: How to win outside fellowships and grants to support historical research and writing

May 3, 12:00pm-2:00pm

Location: Crown Center 530

Securing outside funding for dissertation research and writing is one of the most important skills that a graduate student can learn.   Winning grants and fellowships from outside granting agencies and research institutions enables scholars to travel to needed archives and move through the dissertation writing process more quickly. Having grants and fellowships on one’s CV also makes a graduate student look more attractive on the job market.

Suzanne Kaufman, associate professor of history and former Graduate Program Director, will lead a grant writing workshop on how to find grants and fellowship that will support graduate student dissertation research and writing.  The workshop will also explore what make a “winning” grant proposal by analyzing and discussing sample proposals that have been successful in securing outside funding.

This is an interactive workshop.  An electronic packet of grant proposals will be distributed in advance of the workshop.  Students are asked to read the proposals in advance and come prepared to discuss them.  Please sign up for this workshop with Amelia Serafine (aserafine@luc.edu).

All graduate students are welcome, but the workshop is especially intended for doctoral students who are approaching ABD status.