Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


The Medieval Studies Center presents "Lunch Across the Curriculum" on November 11

The Medieval Studies Center presents "Lunch Across the Curriculum" on November 11

Welcome to the Medieval Studies Center’s Lunch Across the Curriculum,

to take place Wednesday Nov. 11,  11:30 – 1:30

in  Palm Court  (Mundelein, 4th floor)

This year’s lecture series topic is The Medieval City, so our reading selection reflects urban activities and attitudes.

If you would like to participate in this free event, here’s what you do:

1.  Send e-mail to  tgross@luc.edu and put LUNCH in the subject line! (RSVP by noon, Monday Nov 9)

2.  You will then receive an e-packet: two short readings to provide context, and the short medieval play “The Boy and the Blind Man”.

3.  On Wed. Nov. 11,  come to the Palm Court between 11:30 and 1:30. Sandwich buffet and beverages will be provided.

4.  BRING the readings (printed out or otherwise). They are your “ticket” to this event.

We will discuss the readings over lunch!

Open to all Loyola students, faculty, graduate students and staff!

But you must register at tgross@luc.edu

You may register for all or part of the time.