Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Loyola Public Historians Featured at the NCPH Conference

Loyola Public Historians Featured at the NCPH Conference

Loyola public historians descended on Monterey, California for the National Council on Public History annual conference  (March 19-22).

Professor Theodore Karamanski led the roundtable “Sustaining Public History through Community Engagement,” which featured MA student Kim Connelly Hicks and PhD student Rachel Boyle. Kim joined MA student Laura Pearce in presenting the poster “Addressing Absences: Exhibiting African American Suffragists.” Laura received one of only five graduate student travel awards from the NCPH. PhD student Will Ippen and the NCPH Task Force on Public History and Environmental Sustainability discussed the group’s white paper. Will was also co-facilitator with Devin Hunter, PhD candidate, of the working group “Innovative Reuse in the Post-Industrial City.” And Devin was selected as a “Drop-in Digital Consultant” for using historical Census data and basic GIS mapping.

In an effort to keep up with all the excitement in Monterey, Loyola attendees live-blogged highlights at the graduate student blog The Lakefront Historian. While not exactly a substitute for the California coast, the blog was worth the follow!