Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Kate Rousmaniere To Speak on the History of the Principal's Office

Kate Rousmaniere To Speak on the History of the Principal

Dr. Kate Rousmaniere (Miami University Ohio) will speak on "How I Got Sent to the Principal’s Office: Research in the History of Education and School Leadership" on Monday, February 17th, at 6 pm in Corboy Law Center, Room 105.

The principal is the most misunderstood person in all of education. Perceived by individuals and popular culture alike as a disagreeable functionary of bad news, the wet blanket of progressive teacher practice, and the prison guard of students' freedom, the principal is both misunderstood and disliked. Historians have contributed to the problem that is the school principal by ignoring or misinterpreting the history of the role.

Rousmaniere is professor at Miami University Ohio and past president of the History of Education Society (HES) and the International Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE).  Her most recent book, The Principal's Office: A Social History of the American School Principal (SUNY Albany Press, 2013) has been hailed as a long-due synoptic historical study of educational leadership at the school-building level.  She is also the recent author of an article on the principalship that appeared in The Atlantic magazine, "The Principal: The Most Misunderstood Person in All of Education"

The talk is sponsored by the Loyola University Chicago School of Education, Cultural & Educational Policy Studies, and Administration & Supervision Programs.