Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


History Department Faculty Awards

History Department Faculty Awards

This year, four History Department faculty were recognized by the College of Arts and Sciences for their teaching and research excellence.

Dr. Elizabeth Shermer won the Sujack Family Award for Research Excellence.  The Sujack Family established the award in 2012 in order to recognize faculty for their individual research and scholarship outside of the classroom.   Dr. Shermer teaches courses in twentieth-century United States history, and is working on her new book, The Business of Education: The Corporate Transformation of America's Public Universities, which reconsiders the origins of the contemporary crisis in public higher education and the ability of the research-intensive university to guarantee social welfare and individual economic opportunity.

Dr. John Donoghue won the Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring.  The Langerbeck Award recognizes and rewards the exceptional work of Loyola’s faculty mentors who are contributing significant time and effort to the intellectual, ethical, and academic development of Loyola’s undergraduate researchers by mentoring their research endeavors.  Dr. Donoghue teaches courses in colonial America and the Atlantic world.  His book, "Fire Under the Ashes:" An Atlantic History of the English Revolution was recently published by the University of Chicago Press.

Dr. Dina Berger and Dr. Kyle Roberts were both named Master Teachers in the College of Arts and Sciences.  Dr. Berger teaches courses on Mexican and Latin American history.  Her current research focuses on Pan Americanism and civic activists of the Pan American movement throughout the twentieth century.  Dr. Kyle Roberts teaches courses on public history, digital humanities, religion, and North America and the Atlantic World in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries.  His first book, Evangelical Gotham: Religion and the Making of New York City, 1783-1860 will be published by the University of Chicago Press.

Congratulations to Dr. Shermer, Dr. Donoghue, Dr. Berger, and Dr. Roberts for their achievements!  The Department is proud of its outstanding faculty and their commitment to scholarship, teaching, and service.