Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


History Honors Gala Paper Presentation on Tuesday, November 24

History Honors Gala Paper Presentation on Tuesday, November 24

Please come to the History Honors Gala Paper Presentation on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 in Crown Center 528 from 2:30 to 4:30 PM.


Taylor Haran: "What Makes a Criminal? : The American Psychological Profession and the Debate over the Nazi Personality”

Steven Tinetti: “Warped Recollection: How American History Textbooks Came to Distort the Soviet Contribution to WWII Victory in Europe”

Alexa Lindsley: “Going Old School: A Spatial Analysis of Ancient Roman Education and its Purposes”

Ari Wujkowski: “Sidewalk Benches in Herculaneum: For a Different Sort of Client?”

Aaron Kinskey: “Wycliffe and the Lollards:  Radical Catholics?”

Sarah Deas: "Fighting the Informal: Court Resistance to the Simple Fashions in 18th-century England

Daniel Snow: “The Moral Empire: British Anti-Slavery and Expansionism, 1850-1865”

Brian McDevitt: “Frederick Douglass: A Political Journey to Ireland”

Magdalena Jachymiak: “The Unofficial Diplomat: Congressman Dan Rostenkowski's Impact on Polish-American Relations from 1975-1990”

Hector Bahena: "Senator Simon and The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: The Illinois Response to The ‘Mexican Problem’”

Andrew Kelly: “Development and Dependency in Burkina Faso, 1983-2014”

Louis Ridgway: “Competing Perspectives on Chinese Agricultural Success in the Reform Period (1978-1986)”


Refreshments will be provided.