Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Five Faculty Nominated for Sujack Teaching Awards

Five History faculty have been nominated for a 2013 Sujack Teaching Award.  Professors John McManamon, S.J., and Stephen Schloesser, S.J.; Associate Professors Dina Berger and John Donoghue; and Assistant Professor Kyle Roberts have all been recognized for their commitment to undergraduate teaching.


The Edwin T. and Vivijeanne F. Sujack Awards for Teaching Excellence were established in 1994 in order to take special notice each year of two outstanding teachers in the College of Arts and Sciences. These awards recognize superb teaching of undergraduate students. Faculty winners receive both a plaque and cash award, the latter at a ceremony in April of each year. In addition, each faculty member's home department receives a cash award to be used in support of activities that will embrace teaching at the department level.