Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Ellie Shermer Granted Prestigious Russell Sage Foundation Fellowship

Ellie Shermer Granted Prestigious Russell Sage Foundation Fellowship

Assistant Professor Elizabeth Tandy Shermer will be spending the 2014-15 academic year as a Visiting Fellow of the Russell Sage Foundation.  She will be working on her new book, The Business of Education: The Corporate Transformation of America's Public Universities, which reconsiders the origins of the contemporary crisis in public higher education and the ability of the research-intensive university to guarantee social welfare and individual economic opportunity.

The Russell Sage Foundation is the principal American foundation devoted exclusively to research in the social sciences. Located in New York City, it is a research center, a funding source for studies by scholars at other academic and research institutions, and an active member of the nation's social science community. The foundation also publishes, under its own imprint, the books that derive from the work of its grantees and visiting scholars.