Loyola University Chicago

Financial Services

Investment Office

Loyola’s Investment Office is charged with implementation of the University’s investment policy as established by its Board of Trustees and with day-to-day management and monitoring of activity within the University’s long-term investment and operating assets portfolios.  Within guidelines laid out by the Board and its Investment Policy Committee, the Investment Office oversees the identification of investment strategies and selection of professional investment managers with the aim of meeting the University’s goals for preservation of capital, growth of endowment assets, and maintenance of liquidity for ongoing operations.


The Investment Office manages the donor-funded and Board-designated assets that make up the University’s endowment portfolio, donor assets contributed to the University that are governed by various life income agreements, and assets held in trust for the Loyola University Employees’ Retirement Plan.


Operating assets are managed in conjunction with Cash Management Services to ensure the University’s daily operational and working capital requirements are met throughout the academic year. Bank cash accounts and highly liquid short-term investment vehicles are employed to generate incremental returns above cash rates while protecting University capital.


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