Loyola University Chicago

Department of English


Philip Sorenson

Philip Sorenson

Senior Lecturer

  • Office Location: Loyola Hall 306
  • Phone Number: 773.508.3803
  • E-mail: psorenson@luc.edu


Teaching Philosophy:

As a composition instructor, I believe in several core practices: emphasizing control over expression, introducing highly difficult but rhetorically powerful texts, and presenting a variety of writing genres and purposes. As a teacher of core literature courses, my goals are somewhat different: I attempt to excite student interest, to open students’ sense of what constitutes literature, and to push students into new critical postures. In both cases—composition and core literature—I believe my best practice coalesces around a desire to pass along big ideas and compelling texts.


  • BA, Beloit College (1999)
  • MFA, University of Washington (2004)

Program Areas

  • Contemporary American Poetry
  • Academic Writing

Research Interests

  • Contemporary World Literature
  • Experimental Literature
  • Composition
  • Poetry



  • Work Is Hard Vore (Schism Neuronics, 2020, e-book)
  • New Recordings (Another New Calligraphy, 2018)
  • Solar Trauma (poetry, Rescue Press, 2018).
  • Of Embodies (poetry, Rescue Press, 2012).

Other Publications:

  • "Dreaming the Living and the Dead: On Brandon Shimoda’s Hydra Medusa." Poetry Northwest (2024)
  • from Sleep/Sleep. Mercury Firs (2023)
  • from Sleep/Sleep. Cloaca Mag (2022)
  • "Shit-Talking in 3-D: Madison McCartha’s Freakophone World." Tarpaulin Sky Magazine (2022)
  • "Declarative Nets: On Listen My Friend; This Is the Dream I Dreamed Last Night by Cody-Rose Clevidence." Annulet: A Journal of Poetics (2022).
  • "‘Something’s happening to the alpacas!’: Biological Families and Adaptation in Richard Stanley’s Color Out of Space." Gothic Nature Journal (2022).
  • "A Crawling Fragment: On the Ritual Performance 'Dionysia or the Trees." Acéphale & Autobiographical Philosophy in the 21st Century (2021).
  • "Oobleck, Mannerism, and Giants." Action Books Blog (2021).
  • "Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature." Action Books Blog (2020).
  • from Work Is Hard Vore. Ghost Proposal (2020).
  • from Work Is Hard Vore. Dreginald (2020).
  • from Work Is Hard Vore. TAGVVERK (2020).
  • from Work Is Hard Vore. Dream Pop Press (2020).
  • Review of Carrie Lorig's The Blood Barn. The Rupture (2020).
  • "The Aphids". Make Magazine (2019).
  • from Men’s Fashions. Bomb Cyclone: A Journal of Ecopoetics (2019).
  • “Mineral Language in Cody-Rose Clevidence’s Flung Throne”. Denver Quarterly (2019).
  • from Solar Trauma. Jubilat (2018).
  • “‘All of the Meanwhiles’: Signal Intrusion, Time Travel, Abrasion, Rupture”. A Glimpse Of (2017).
  • from ​​Men's Fashions. The Stockholm Review of Literature (2015).
  • from L O N E L Y T H I N G. Swine Magazine (2014).
  • from L O N E L Y T H I N G. Spolia (2014).
  • from L O N E L Y T H I N G. Ohio Edit (2014).
  • “Five Poems.” Deluge (2013).
  • from The Poems of Alfred de Musset. Pelt (2013).
  • from The Poems of Alfred de Musset. Spolia (2013).
  • from The Poems of Alfred de Musset. Horse Less Review (2013).
  • “The Waspmen in the Pines.” Verse Daily (2012).
  • “External of Time” and “External of Time II” and “[wings and skins]” and “Married Woman” and “[light grows].” Moria Poetry (2012).
  • “After Elagabalus.” Asymptote (2011).
  • “[then a mule dropped]” and “[known as Rome’s emperor Severen]” and “[oh varius]” and “[a gibbon].” Strange Machine (2011).