Conference Poster Gallery
End of the Year CTSDH Celebration! April 28, 2023
Developing a Digital Archive: Mexican Masks & The May Weber Ethnographic Study Collection - Catherine Nichols, Caroline Houser. April 12, 2023
Documenting Movements: Introducing Mukurtu CMS as a Platform for a Collaborative Video Archive - Margaret Heller and Greer Martin. March 27, 2023
A Chatbot Wrote My Essay: Navigating the Future of AI in the College Classroom - Bruce Montes, Brandiann Molby, Adam Porter, and Felix Oke. March 17, 2023
Douglass Day 2023! February 14, 2023
Lunchtime Lecture: "Gathering Places: Religion, Community, and Digital Public History," - Dr. Christopher Cantwell. November 17, 2022
Lunchtime Lecture: "Digital Paris, c 1400," - Dr. Emily Hutchinson. November 15, 2022
Lunchtime Lecture: "Digital Humanities and Textual Studies Showcase," - Dr. Melissa Bradshaw, Dr. Ian Cornelius, Dr. Elizabeth Hopwood, Dr/ Frederick Staidum, and Dr. Marta Werner. November 9, 2022
Lunchtime Lecture: "The Transformation of the Medium and Meaning of Illustration in Early Nineteenth-Century America," - Dr. Chris Lukasik (Purdue). October 20, 2022
Instant History Conference: The Postwar Digital Humanities and Their Legacies, September 24th, 2016
Women Computer Operators & British State - Marie Hicks (Illinois Institute of Technology), November 12, 2015
Textual Conditions: Lawrence, Conrad and Woolf - Peter Shillingsburg, Alexander Fachard, Joyce Wexler, Paul Eggert, March 29, 2014
The Fate of the Page in Digital Environments - Patricia Fumerton (UC Santa Barbara), Laura Estill (U Victoria, BC), Morris Eaves (U Rochester), James Knapp (Loyola Chicago), April 20, 2013
Stanley & Me: Text Analysis and Literary Criticism - Stephen Ramsay, November 8, 2012
Textual Studies and Literary Theory - Paul Armstrong (Brown University):How Historical is Reading - Books and Neuroscience; Steven Mailloux (Loyola Marymount): Intention, Convention and Rhetorical Agency; Paul Jay (Loyola Chicago): Accidental Editor - How I Wrote the selected Correspondence of Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley and Why; David Greenham (CUNY): The Well tempered text, October 27, 2012
Humanistic Imagination and the Mere Counting of Words - Ted Underwood, April 11, 2012
Poster of the 2012 18th Century Texts and Books Day Conference
Minority Archives and the Politics of Textual Recovery - Jose Aranda, Christopher Mulvey, Maria Cotera, Suzanne Bost, October 29, 2011
Ecology, Empire and the Birth of Anti-Copyright Ideology - Adrian Johns (U Chicago), September 28, 2011
Humanities Research Infrastructure and Tools - Laura Mandell, Desmond Schmidt, Peter Shillingsburg, George K. Thiruvatukal, October 30, 2010
Modernist Networks - George Bornstein (UMichigan), Robin Schulze (Penn State), Sean Latham (U Tulsa), Pamela L. Caughie (Loyola Chicago), April 10, 2010
Night Archives: Helen Keller and the Deaf-Blind Textual Condition - Martha Werner (D’Youville College), March 17, 2010
Medieval Texts and Textual Meaning - Peter Robinson (U Birmingham), Hoyt N. Duggan (U Virginia), Martin Foys (Drew University), Stephanie Lundeen (Loyola University Chicago)
Ethics of Textual Scholarship - John Gouws (Northwest University - South Africa) October 15, 2008
The Future of Shakespeare’s Texts - Michael Best, Alan Galey, Gabriel Egan, Michael Witmore, November 7, 2009
Sex, Dress and Revision in Thomas Hardy’s Work - Simon Gatrell (U Georgia) September 12, 2009
What is Digital Humanities? - Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (U Maryland), April 15, 2010
19th Century Studies Digital Texts - Neil Freistat (U Maryland), Andrew Stauffer (U Virginia), Joseph Visconi (U North Carolina, March 28, 2009