Loyola University Chicago

Community Relations

Water Tower Campus Move-in and Block Party

Water Tower Campus Move-in and Block Party

Raymond C. Baumhart Hall

Loyola University is excited to welcome back students to the Water Tower Campus. There are many activities planned to get students safely moved in and acclimated to campus life.


We will be welcoming 400 students as they move into Raymond C. Baumhart Hall at 26 E. Pearson.  Please take note of the following days and times during which the City has provided a permit to obstruct meters on the north side of Pearson Street.  This will help us accommodate the families and students that will be unloading cars and moving trucks.

Move-in activities have moved to Pearson Street from Chestnut in previous years due to the construction taking place on Chestnut. The north side of Pearson between State and Wabash will be used for safe unloading of students and their vehicles for access to Baumhart Hall. As always, the Campus Safety officers will be on hand to direct traffic. Vehicles are given a 15-minute unloading window and are quickly directed to nearby parking garages.

The table below reflects days and times activities will take place.

Sunday, August   18
Grad Students and Volunteers – 120 Students

10:00 AM-2:15PM

1-26 E Pearson   (northside only)

Tuesday, August 20:

Undergrad Students –   245 students

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

1-26 E Pearson   (northside only)


Block Party:

The annual Fall Block Party is scheduled for Thursday, August 29, from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  The event welcomes students, staff and faculty to the new school year. Loyola is permitted to close Pearson Street from State Street to Wabash Avenue and Wabash from Chicago Avenue to Chestnut Street from 6:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.  Please plan accordingly.

I would like to thank you sincerely for your patience throughout the move-in and block party processes each year.  If you should have any questions, comments or concerns during move-in, please feel free to speak to any staff member on site or call me directly at 773-508-7453 or at srober6@luc.edu