Loyola University Chicago

Community Relations

Save the Date for Earth Day 2015!

Save the Date for Earth Day 2015!


The departments of Community Relations, Government Relations and Institute of Environmental Sustainability in partnership with the Illinois Environmental Council are hosting a day of lobbying at the State Capitol in Springfield, IL.

Loyola Students and community members are invited to join this unique opportunity to engage with legislators to lobby for several bills proposing legislation that will enhance the environmental infrastructure in Illinois.

Participation in the event is FREE  for students and all participants and includes transportation and meals. The day will begin at 6:00 AM and return to Loyola's Lake Shore Campus at approximately 9:00 PM on Wednesday April 22nd. If you plan to attend, but do not plan to take the bus, contact Mary Miro at mmiro@luc.edu or 773-508-7450 to communicate your plans. 

In addition to Green Lobby Day, there will be other Earth Day events in the month of April that students as well as community members can participate in.