Loyola University Chicago

Community Relations

North Lake Shore Earth Day 2014!

North Lake Shore Earth Day 2014!

North Lake Shore Earth Day 2014!
Calling all gardeners, painters, and environmentally-conscious residents of Edgewater and Rogers Park! It’s that time of year again to green and beautify our two communities in celebration of Earth Day.
Given the success of last year’s North Lake Shore Earth Day, Loyola Community Relations will partner with Aldermen Joe Moore and Harry Osterman, Illinois Senator Heather Steans, and State Representative Kelly Cassidy, for a second time to sponsor a series of hands-on projects to clean, green, and enhance public spaces in Edgewater and Rogers Park. Similar to last year’s event, North Lake Shore Earth Day will focus on direct student service engagement with the surrounding community, providing a positive impact on the neighborhoods, and fostering healthy student–neighbor relations.
Loyola’s North Lake Shore Earth Day 2014 event will take place on April 26ththwhere students and local residents will partake in hands-on service projects to support green efforts in the 48th and 49thWards. In addition, North Lake Shore Earth Day 2014 will coincide with the City of Chicago’s Clean & Green, which means all hands will be on deck to participate at variety of project sites. Projects will range from light gardening and garden-bed construction to litter-removal and fence-painting!
We extend our thanks to Whole Foods Market [Evanston-South], and KIND Food Company, Inc., who are generously donating healthy snacks for our Earth Day volunteers!
Visit http://luc.edu/earthday/ for registration details!
For more information or to register for an event, please contact communityrelations@luc.edu.