Loyola University Chicago

Community Relations

Halloween Treats at Loyola

Halloween Treats at Loyola

Halloween Treats at Loyola

Loyola’s annual Trick-or-Treat is coming to Dumbach’s doors for its sixth year this Sunday.

Loyola’s Department of Programming ((dop)) will host the event. Student organizations will provide tricks and treats for Rogers Park and Edgewater neighbors who visit. The organizations will decorate doors and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters, but kids are invited to participate in Halloween games and activities as well.

“It’s something free and fun for kids and their families in a safe environment,” said ((dop)) Special Events Director Calley Oresick.

Add: Head over to Dumbach Hall, 6474 N. Kenmore Ave., from 1-4p.m. to participate in the event.