RSVP to Loyola University's Community Holiday Party

Michael J. Garanzini, S.J., the entire Loyola community, and the host committee invite our neighbors to the Community Holiday Party in the new Arnold J. Damen Student Center. You will not want to miss the party of the year to be held in a new location! Get a look at the brand new Arnold J. Damen Student Center, enjoy tasty, sustainably-made treats, live music performed by local band the T-Byrdz, and make a donation to help a local Edgewater or Rogers Park high school student to attend Loyola!
When: Monday, December 9
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
Where: Arnold J. Damen Student Center 6511 N. Sheridan Road
RSVP to this event
Loyola’s Office of Community Relations serves as one of Loyola's connections between the University University and its surrounding neighborhoods. Through a series of partnerships with City of Chicago, local schools, community policing, block clubs, chambers of commerce, neighborhood organizations and nonprofits, our office has demonstrated a commitment to improving vitality and sustainability of our neighborhoods. Acknowledging these partnerships and the long standing relationship Loyola has developed with its community partners, we have created a new Community Action Scholarship fund for Loyola students. The beneficiary of this scholarship will continue to carry out the mission of Community Relations, by designing and implementing a community-based project that will directly benefit the Rogers Park and/or Edgewater neighborhoods. The recipient of this award will meet some or all of the following criteria:
- Student is an incoming freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student
- Student has demonstrated a commitment to leadership, volunteering, and service aimed at community development (A letter of recommendation is required from a community or faculty member who served as adviser or otherwise supervised the student in community engagement projects)
Preference will be given to students who:
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Are high school graduates of Nicholas Senn, Roger C. Sullivan High School, Chicago Math and Science Academy or another Chicago Public High School.
- Are native to Rogers Park and Edgewater
- Have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement.
Application Process
- Students will submit a written proposal for a community-based project that directly benefits the Rogers Park and/or Edgewater neighborhoods. Students will include a rationale, budget, and project timeline in this proposal. Up to $3,000 of this scholarship will go toward the student's tuition, and up to $1,000 of this scholarship will be used to fund the approved community-based project.
- Students must identify the name of a community or faculty member who will serve as their project advisor.
- Students are encouraged (but not required) to incorporate this project into their internship, practicum, or as part of their service learning requirement.
*For questions regarding the application for this scholarship, please contact Mary Miro at
If you would like to make a gift to the Community Action Scholarship Fund, click here.