
Academic Affairs Program Development

The Provost's Office, Academic Affairs, like the College of Arts & Sciences is currently updating materials to support the new Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system and processes. This page makes documents available as follows:

  • The Chart of Academic Approvals maps the path of approvals from School to University levels. Its sequences are the basis of CIM workflows past the originating Schools.
  • CIP Code Assignment Policy explains the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) system and requirements in creation of new academic programs, outlines processes for requesting assignment of a CIP code to a new program and for requesting a change in CIP codes for an existing program, and states the standards for a STEM CIP code.
  • Guidelines describing Academic Program Development: Processes for Review, Approval, and Implementation overall: the information included in the outline will be incorporated in the CIM program form.
  • Blank of the revised Intent to Create New Academic Program Form - as of academic year 2023-24, the Provost's Office has required the preliminary Intent step be completed for all proposals of new academic programs. As of 1 August 2024, the Intent Request is now set up with distinct workflows in CIM. Once the Provost invites submitters of an approved Intent to proceed with full-scale new-program development in accordance with the Guidelines above, they should submit a full proposal through the CIM's Program Request.
  • Blank of the Program Modification Form, formerly required for changes in existing majors, minors, and other academic programs, including PermTag applications. These processes now use the CIM's Program Request.

The Provost's Office, Academic Affairs, like the College of Arts & Sciences is currently updating materials to support the new Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system and processes. This page makes documents available as follows:

  • The Chart of Academic Approvals maps the path of approvals from School to University levels. Its sequences are the basis of CIM workflows past the originating Schools.
  • CIP Code Assignment Policy explains the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) system and requirements in creation of new academic programs, outlines processes for requesting assignment of a CIP code to a new program and for requesting a change in CIP codes for an existing program, and states the standards for a STEM CIP code.
  • Guidelines describing Academic Program Development: Processes for Review, Approval, and Implementation overall: the information included in the outline will be incorporated in the CIM program form.
  • Blank of the revised Intent to Create New Academic Program Form - as of academic year 2023-24, the Provost's Office has required the preliminary Intent step be completed for all proposals of new academic programs. As of 1 August 2024, the Intent Request is now set up with distinct workflows in CIM. Once the Provost invites submitters of an approved Intent to proceed with full-scale new-program development in accordance with the Guidelines above, they should submit a full proposal through the CIM's Program Request.
  • Blank of the Program Modification Form, formerly required for changes in existing majors, minors, and other academic programs, including PermTag applications. These processes now use the CIM's Program Request.