
University-Mandated Items

  • The Academic Affairs website of the Office of the Provost posts links to various resources concerning Curriculum and Research. Items of particular importance for the College's Academic Council and its review of curricular changes include:
    • The Intent for New Academic Program - this preliminary description of a new program contemplated to be developed as a proposal became required as of academic year 2023-24. Proposers submit the Intent form to their Dean's Office where it provides occasion for further discussions about prospective designs and resources. After the Dean endorses the Intent, the Dean's Office will forward the document to the Provost's Office, again for further discussion as the preliminary proposal generates. On receiving invitation from the Provost to develop the new-program proposal in full, submitters proceed with the New Academic Propgram Proposal itself, as described in the Guidelines linked below.
    • Guidelines for Academic Program Development: Processes for Review, Approval, and Implementation - a document prepared in accord with these guidelines is required as a supporting document of all New Major/Minor applications. Some of its information duplicates information the Council requires in its application-packages. For accuracy and clarity in presentation to different audiences, please supply complete information consistently across all documents that request it.
    • Blank of the Program Modification Form - for changes in existing majors, minors, and other academic programs. Program Modification Form is required as a supporting document of all Change in Major/Minor and PermTag applications. Some of its information duplicates information the Council requires in its application-packages. For accuracy and clarity in presentation to different audiences, please supply complete information consistently across all documents that request it.
    • The Chart of Academic Approvals maps the path of approvals from School to University levels.
  • The Office of Institutional Effectiveness supports continuous quality improvement across the University by providing research and reporting services to support academic assessment, evaluation, and review informing self-reflective action planning and continuous quality improvement by academic units across the University.
  • The CAS-AC DocFinity Platform may be accessed from a terminal on-campus or through Loyola Secure Access; the platform's functionality is best supported by Chrome or Edge.
  • Course Inventory Form:
    • You can dowload the current CI Form from R&R's Administrative Forms list.
    • Please do not use older editions of the CI form, but the most current edition.
    • About the form, see further in Concepts and Terms and in the instructions for various kinds of application to Academic Council
  • Registration & Records Processing Timetable:
    • Curricular changes that will necessitate new or changed programming in a major/minor must be approved by Academic Council no later than the December meeting of one academic year, in order to be on-track for effectiveness the following Fall term. Fall terms are normally the only eligible start-date for new majors, minors, or other academic programs, or for changes involving the programming of existing ones.
    • New or changed course programming must be approved by Academic Council no later than the February meeting of one academic year, in order to be on-track for effectiveness the following Fall term, or no later than the March meeting of one academic year, in order to be on-track for effectiveness in the Spring term of the following academic year.
    • Please recognize that this timetable limits the "effective date" that can be requested for any proposed curricular change.
  • 2023-24 Loyola University Chicago Catalog: The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.
  • The Academic Affairs website of the Office of the Provost posts links to various resources concerning Curriculum and Research. Items of particular importance for the College's Academic Council and its review of curricular changes include:
    • The Intent for New Academic Program - this preliminary description of a new program contemplated to be developed as a proposal became required as of academic year 2023-24. Proposers submit the Intent form to their Dean's Office where it provides occasion for further discussions about prospective designs and resources. After the Dean endorses the Intent, the Dean's Office will forward the document to the Provost's Office, again for further discussion as the preliminary proposal generates. On receiving invitation from the Provost to develop the new-program proposal in full, submitters proceed with the New Academic Propgram Proposal itself, as described in the Guidelines linked below.
    • Guidelines for Academic Program Development: Processes for Review, Approval, and Implementation - a document prepared in accord with these guidelines is required as a supporting document of all New Major/Minor applications. Some of its information duplicates information the Council requires in its application-packages. For accuracy and clarity in presentation to different audiences, please supply complete information consistently across all documents that request it.
    • Blank of the Program Modification Form - for changes in existing majors, minors, and other academic programs. Program Modification Form is required as a supporting document of all Change in Major/Minor and PermTag applications. Some of its information duplicates information the Council requires in its application-packages. For accuracy and clarity in presentation to different audiences, please supply complete information consistently across all documents that request it.
    • The Chart of Academic Approvals maps the path of approvals from School to University levels.
  • The Office of Institutional Effectiveness supports continuous quality improvement across the University by providing research and reporting services to support academic assessment, evaluation, and review informing self-reflective action planning and continuous quality improvement by academic units across the University.
  • The CAS-AC DocFinity Platform may be accessed from a terminal on-campus or through Loyola Secure Access; the platform's functionality is best supported by Chrome or Edge.
  • Course Inventory Form:
    • You can dowload the current CI Form from R&R's Administrative Forms list.
    • Please do not use older editions of the CI form, but the most current edition.
    • About the form, see further in Concepts and Terms and in the instructions for various kinds of application to Academic Council
  • Registration & Records Processing Timetable:
    • Curricular changes that will necessitate new or changed programming in a major/minor must be approved by Academic Council no later than the December meeting of one academic year, in order to be on-track for effectiveness the following Fall term. Fall terms are normally the only eligible start-date for new majors, minors, or other academic programs, or for changes involving the programming of existing ones.
    • New or changed course programming must be approved by Academic Council no later than the February meeting of one academic year, in order to be on-track for effectiveness the following Fall term, or no later than the March meeting of one academic year, in order to be on-track for effectiveness in the Spring term of the following academic year.
    • Please recognize that this timetable limits the "effective date" that can be requested for any proposed curricular change.
  • 2023-24 Loyola University Chicago Catalog: The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.