
John Makowski
Title/s: Associate Professor Emeritus
Email: jmakow1@luc.edu
External Webpage: https://works.bepress.com/john_makowski/
My interest in Seneca has led to an annual staging of his drama Thyestes performed by Furibunda Productions, the department's theater ensemble. I have worked on local committees of the Illinois Classical Conference and the Society for Classical Studies, for annual meetings in Chicago.
B.A., Xavier University
M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University
Research Interests
Roman literature, Latin language, myth, classical world in cinema
Selected Publications
Papers and Presentations
- "Transgression and Triangulation: Petronius' Women and Bisexual Men," Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 28-31 March 2012
- "Gallus as Cinaedus: A Problem for Roman Identity," Romosexuality: International Conference on the Reception of Rome and the Construction of Western Homosexual Identities, Collingwood College, Durham University, Durham, England, 16-18 April 2012
- "Transgression and Triangulation: Petronius' Women and Bisexual Men," Feminism and Classics VI: Crossing Borders, Crossing Lines, Brock University, Toronto, Canada, 24-27 May 2012