

Leanna Boychenko

Title/s:  Associate Professor
Post-Baccalaureate Program Director, Faculty Affiliate, LUC Institute for Racial Justice, Illinois Vice President-CAMWS

Office #:  Crown Center 565

Phone: 773.508.3659

Email: lboychenko@luc.edu


A.B., Harvard College
M.A., M.Phil., PhD., Yale University

Research Interests

Hellenistic Poetry, Archaic Greek Poetry, Ptolemaic Egypt, and Identity and Ethnicity in the Ancient World

Selected Publications

Recent Publications

  • Strangers, Outsiders, and Foreign Worlds:  Identity and the Other in the Greek Imagination," in panel "Diverse Approaches to Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom." CAMWS Annual Meeting; April 2024.
  • Spawned from the Nile: Egyptian Monsters in Greco-Roman Culture." In Felton, D. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Monsters.  2024.
  • The Hymn to Delos and Callimachus' Blame of Thebes."  Mnemosyne (published online ahead of print 2023).
  • Callimachus' Other Telchines: Aetia fr.1, fr.75, and the Hymn to Delos."

Recent Papers

  • Achilles and Romulus in Mexico: Mythopoiesis in Maria Cristina Mena's Short Fiction." SCS Annuel Meeting, January 2024.
  • "More than Daughters:  The Danaids as Culture Heroes."  Illinois Classical Conference; October 2023.
  • "Polydeuces and Amycus in Egypt."  Trinity College Dublin Argonautica Workshop; June 2023.

Works in Progress

  • Callimachus' Book of Hymns. (book project)