
Marianne Ryan

Todd Waller, EdDMarianne Ryan joined Loyola as Dean of University Libraries in 2016.  Her portfolio includes oversight of Cudahy Library, the Information Commons, and the Library Storage Facility on the Lake Shore Campus; Lewis Library on the Water Tower Campus; and the Information Commons at the John Felice Rome Center. In 2024, she assumed additional responsibility for the Health Sciences Library on the Maywood Campus.

Before Loyola, Marianne served as an associate dean of libraries at Northwestern and at Purdue.  In these roles, she steered strategic initiatives and academic partnerships to support teaching across disciplines, engaged learning, and student success. Marianne began her career as a government information librarian, supporting free and open access to government information and citizen literacy, for which she remains an advocate. Recently she completed a term on the Federal Depository Library Council, the advisory group to the Director of the U.S. Government Publishing Office.  Her areas of expertise include patent, trademark, and copyright protection; government data and statistics; and Federal regulation, especially as it pertain to higher education.  An award-winning teacher, Marianne held adjunct faculty appointments during most of her library career at institutions including the Catholic University of America, Iowa State University, and the University of Maryland College Park.

At Loyola, Marianne is committed to meeting the information needs of a diverse user community with

responsive staffing, collections, services, programs, and spaces and to making the library a vibrant third place. She has long embraced Ignatian principles and Jesuit values and believes that they ground the practice of academic libraries, particularly through social justice initiatives and inclusive excellence.  Through organizational realignment, Marianne has created new roles to further these goals and has cultivated relationships to make the Libraries a vital and agile campus and community collaborator. 


Marianne was awarded a US Department of Education Fellowship to pursue an MA in Library & Information Science, which she completed at The University of Iowa.  Her PhD in Public Policy is also from Iowa; her dissertation explored the interplay of legislative mandates and stakeholder involvement to ensure the sustainability of national libraries.  Marianne was selected and served as a Senior Fellow in UCLA’s Library Management Institute and as an Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Research Library Leadership Fellow.

Marianne was the longest-serving editor of portal: Libraries and the Academy, published by Johns Hopkins University Press, and currently serves as the journal’s past-editor. Additionally, she has served on the editorial boards of several scholarly journals, overseen an occasional paper series, and edited columns and features in other serial publications.  She also has edited two books.  Marianne’s research interests include bibliodiversity, the value of primary source research, and the importance of participatory democracy.  Her current grant-funded project examines the Congressional oversight of baseball.

Todd Waller, EdDMarianne Ryan joined Loyola as Dean of University Libraries in 2016.  Her portfolio includes oversight of Cudahy Library, the Information Commons, and the Library Storage Facility on the Lake Shore Campus; Lewis Library on the Water Tower Campus; and the Information Commons at the John Felice Rome Center. In 2024, she assumed additional responsibility for the Health Sciences Library on the Maywood Campus.

Before Loyola, Marianne served as an associate dean of libraries at Northwestern and at Purdue.  In these roles, she steered strategic initiatives and academic partnerships to support teaching across disciplines, engaged learning, and student success. Marianne began her career as a government information librarian, supporting free and open access to government information and citizen literacy, for which she remains an advocate. Recently she completed a term on the Federal Depository Library Council, the advisory group to the Director of the U.S. Government Publishing Office.  Her areas of expertise include patent, trademark, and copyright protection; government data and statistics; and Federal regulation, especially as it pertain to higher education.  An award-winning teacher, Marianne held adjunct faculty appointments during most of her library career at institutions including the Catholic University of America, Iowa State University, and the University of Maryland College Park.

At Loyola, Marianne is committed to meeting the information needs of a diverse user community with

responsive staffing, collections, services, programs, and spaces and to making the library a vibrant third place. She has long embraced Ignatian principles and Jesuit values and believes that they ground the practice of academic libraries, particularly through social justice initiatives and inclusive excellence.  Through organizational realignment, Marianne has created new roles to further these goals and has cultivated relationships to make the Libraries a vital and agile campus and community collaborator. 


Marianne was awarded a US Department of Education Fellowship to pursue an MA in Library & Information Science, which she completed at The University of Iowa.  Her PhD in Public Policy is also from Iowa; her dissertation explored the interplay of legislative mandates and stakeholder involvement to ensure the sustainability of national libraries.  Marianne was selected and served as a Senior Fellow in UCLA’s Library Management Institute and as an Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Research Library Leadership Fellow.

Marianne was the longest-serving editor of portal: Libraries and the Academy, published by Johns Hopkins University Press, and currently serves as the journal’s past-editor. Additionally, she has served on the editorial boards of several scholarly journals, overseen an occasional paper series, and edited columns and features in other serial publications.  She also has edited two books.  Marianne’s research interests include bibliodiversity, the value of primary source research, and the importance of participatory democracy.  Her current grant-funded project examines the Congressional oversight of baseball.