Use maps to convey specific locations that may not be widely known or to provide context of positions relative to fixed points. They should be only as complicated as necessary to convey the main point quickly.
Types of maps
- Text styles can be 1- to 2 points smaller in maps, since written information is brief.
- In general, maps are assumed to be oriented with North at the top.
- Colors used in maps should not be used elsewhere.
Rules, arrows, and labels
- Solid rules: 0.35 points
- Dotted rules: 0.50 points
- Arrowhead: Curved
- Bold (6+) = Key locations
- Italics (6+)= Landmarks
Dos and Don'ts
What to do
- Oriented with North at the top
- Since information in maps is brief, text styles can be 1 to 2 points smaller
What not to do
- Do not use map colors elsewhere. Map colors are for maps alone

CMYK: 10-3-3-0
RGB: 225, 235, 239
PMS: 7541U
HKS: #e2ebf0

CMYK: 6-3-8-7
RGB: 20, 222, 216
PMS: Cool gray 1u
HKS: #ddded8

CMYK: 30-15-35-5
RGB: 172, 184, 162
PMS: 453u
HKS: #adb9a2

Building 1
CMYK: 30-45-45-15
RGB: 159, 126, 116
PMS: 4715u
HKS: #98777

Building 2
CMYK: 15-30-95-10
RGB: 196, 162, 130
PMS: 466u
HKS: #b6997a

Building 3
CMYK: 40-25-30-15
RGB: 138, 150, 149
PMS: 7494u
HKS: #8a9796

Building 4
CMYK: 20-15-15-2
RGB: 197, 198, 199
PMS: Cool gray 3u
HKS: #c6c7c8
Download Campus Maps
- Lake Shore Campus (PDF)
- Water Tower Campus (PDF)
- Health Sciences Campus (PDF)
- Retreat & Ecology Center (PDF)
- Cuneo Mansion & Gardens (PDF)
Download Campus Maps
- Lake Shore Campus (PDF)
- Water Tower Campus (PDF)
- Health Sciences Campus (PDF)
- Retreat & Ecology Center (PDF)
- Cuneo Mansion & Gardens (PDF)