
Staff Directory

Vice President and Office

Name Title Email
Jeremy Langford Vice President jlangford@luc.edu
Rebecca Grim Executive Assistant, Operations rgrim@luc.edu


Name Title Email
Douglas Clark Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Advertising dclark8@luc.edu
Ted Yee Senior Director, Brand Experiences eyee@luc.edu


Name Title Email
Chris Anderson Assistant Vice President, Communications; Director of Executive Communications canderson31@luc.edu
Gabrielle Abbott Associate Director, Communications gabbott3@luc.edu
Emily Ramstetter Associate Director, Internal Communications eramstetter@luc.edu
Sofia Haan Communications Manager shaan@luc.edu 
Brian Seifert Project Manager bseifert@luc.edu 

Content Strategy

Name Title Email
Adrienne Gunn Senior Director, Content Strategy agunn2@luc.edu
Lukas Keapproth Senior Staff Photographer lkeapproth@luc.edu
Jeff Link Senior Writer jlink1@luc.edu 
Ali West Content Manager awest9@luc.edu
Jed Gremmler Director, Project and Portfolio Management jgremmler@luc.edu 

Creative and Design

Name Title Email
Douglas Clark Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Advertising dclark8@luc.edu
Susan Schmidt Director, Creative sdonaldson3@.luc.edu
Michael Gawlik Assistant Director, Creative mgawlik1@luc.edu
Joseph Darrow Senior Graphic Designer jdarrow1@luc.edu
Abigail Rosenberger Creative Designer arosenberger@luc.edu 
Melissa Sterne Project Manager jgremmler@luc.edu 


Name Title Email
John Drevs Associate Vice President, Digital Marketing and Communication jdrevs@luc.edu
Jill Grech Director, Digital Strategy jgrech1@luc.edu
Lenzlee Wheeler Senior Web Developer lwheeler@luc.edu
Stephen Ravenscraft Senior Web Designer sravenscraft@luc.edu
Matthew Morrison Web Designer mmorrison6@luc.edu
Sophia Yarwick Junior Web Developer syarwick@luc.edu
Brian Seifert Project Manager bseifert@luc.edu


Name Title Email
Douglas Clark Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Advertising dclark8@luc.edu
Margaret Hardigan Director, Marketing and Advertising mhardigan@luc.edu
Natalie Janes Marketing Support Specialist njanes@luc.edu 

Project Management and Production

Name Title Email
John Drevs Associate Vice President, Digital Marketing and Communication jdrevs@luc.edu
Jed Gremmler Director, Project and Portfolio Management jgremmler@luc.edu
Brian Seifert Project Manager bseifert@luc.edu
Melissa Sterne Project Manager


School and Unit Marketing Communications

Name Title Email
John Drevs

Associate Vice President, Digital Marketing and Communication

Anne Divita Kopacz

Senior Director, School-Based Marketing Communications
Quinlan School of Business

Ray O’Connell Director, School-Based Marketing Communications
College of Arts and Sciences
Gabriela Caruth Digital Communications Specialist, School of Law gcaruth@luc.edu
Sophie Duque Communication Specialist, College of Arts and Sciences sduque1@luc.edu  
Stephanie Folk Marketing Communications Manager, School of Environmental Sustainability sfolk@luc.edu
Ray O’Connell
Marketing Communications Manager, Division of Student Development roconnell@luc.edu
Peter Hulett Marketing Communications Specialist, Quinlan School of Business phulett@luc.edu
Denise Jones Associate Director, Marketing Communications, Stritch School of Medicine djones9@luc.edu 
Casey Krajewski Marketing Communications Manager, School of Social Work ckrajewski@luc.edu
Sheri McGill Marketing Communications Manager, Arrupe College smcgill4@luc.edu
Jennifer Sloan Assistant Director, Marketing Communications,
School of Continuing and Professional Studies
School of Education 
Ashley Rowland Marketing Communications Manager, Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing arowland1@luc.edu
Anne Divita Kopacz (interim) Marketing Communications Manager, Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health adivitakopacz@luc.edu
Kristi Turnbaugh Director of Communications, School of Law kturnbaugh@luc.edu
Destiny Woods Marketing Communications Manager, School of Communication dwoods8@luc.edu

Social Media

Name Title Email
Adrienne Gunn Senior Director, Content Strategy agunn2@luc.edu
Elizabeth Shea Director, University Social Media eshea5@luc.edu
Julia Winker Social Media Manager jwinker@luc.edu

Vice President and Office

Name Title Email
Jeremy Langford Vice President jlangford@luc.edu
Rebecca Grim Executive Assistant, Operations rgrim@luc.edu


Name Title Email
Douglas Clark Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Advertising dclark8@luc.edu
Ted Yee Senior Director, Brand Experiences eyee@luc.edu


Name Title Email
Chris Anderson Assistant Vice President, Communications; Director of Executive Communications canderson31@luc.edu
Gabrielle Abbott Associate Director, Communications gabbott3@luc.edu
Emily Ramstetter Associate Director, Internal Communications eramstetter@luc.edu
Sofia Haan Communications Manager shaan@luc.edu 
Brian Seifert Project Manager bseifert@luc.edu 

Content Strategy

Name Title Email
Adrienne Gunn Senior Director, Content Strategy agunn2@luc.edu
Lukas Keapproth Senior Staff Photographer lkeapproth@luc.edu
Jeff Link Senior Writer jlink1@luc.edu 
Ali West Content Manager awest9@luc.edu
Jed Gremmler Director, Project and Portfolio Management jgremmler@luc.edu 

Creative and Design

Name Title Email
Douglas Clark Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Advertising dclark8@luc.edu
Susan Schmidt Director, Creative sdonaldson3@.luc.edu
Michael Gawlik Assistant Director, Creative mgawlik1@luc.edu
Joseph Darrow Senior Graphic Designer jdarrow1@luc.edu
Abigail Rosenberger Creative Designer arosenberger@luc.edu 
Melissa Sterne Project Manager jgremmler@luc.edu 


Name Title Email
John Drevs Associate Vice President, Digital Marketing and Communication jdrevs@luc.edu
Jill Grech Director, Digital Strategy jgrech1@luc.edu
Lenzlee Wheeler Senior Web Developer lwheeler@luc.edu
Stephen Ravenscraft Senior Web Designer sravenscraft@luc.edu
Matthew Morrison Web Designer mmorrison6@luc.edu
Sophia Yarwick Junior Web Developer syarwick@luc.edu
Brian Seifert Project Manager bseifert@luc.edu


Name Title Email
Douglas Clark Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Advertising dclark8@luc.edu
Margaret Hardigan Director, Marketing and Advertising mhardigan@luc.edu
Natalie Janes Marketing Support Specialist njanes@luc.edu 

Project Management and Production

Name Title Email
John Drevs Associate Vice President, Digital Marketing and Communication jdrevs@luc.edu
Jed Gremmler Director, Project and Portfolio Management jgremmler@luc.edu
Brian Seifert Project Manager bseifert@luc.edu
Melissa Sterne Project Manager


School and Unit Marketing Communications

Name Title Email
John Drevs

Associate Vice President, Digital Marketing and Communication

Anne Divita Kopacz

Senior Director, School-Based Marketing Communications
Quinlan School of Business

Ray O’Connell Director, School-Based Marketing Communications
College of Arts and Sciences
Gabriela Caruth Digital Communications Specialist, School of Law gcaruth@luc.edu
Sophie Duque Communication Specialist, College of Arts and Sciences sduque1@luc.edu  
Stephanie Folk Marketing Communications Manager, School of Environmental Sustainability sfolk@luc.edu
Ray O’Connell
Marketing Communications Manager, Division of Student Development roconnell@luc.edu
Peter Hulett Marketing Communications Specialist, Quinlan School of Business phulett@luc.edu
Denise Jones Associate Director, Marketing Communications, Stritch School of Medicine djones9@luc.edu 
Casey Krajewski Marketing Communications Manager, School of Social Work ckrajewski@luc.edu
Sheri McGill Marketing Communications Manager, Arrupe College smcgill4@luc.edu
Jennifer Sloan Assistant Director, Marketing Communications,
School of Continuing and Professional Studies
School of Education 
Ashley Rowland Marketing Communications Manager, Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing arowland1@luc.edu
Anne Divita Kopacz (interim) Marketing Communications Manager, Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health adivitakopacz@luc.edu
Kristi Turnbaugh Director of Communications, School of Law kturnbaugh@luc.edu
Destiny Woods Marketing Communications Manager, School of Communication dwoods8@luc.edu

Social Media

Name Title Email
Adrienne Gunn Senior Director, Content Strategy agunn2@luc.edu
Elizabeth Shea Director, University Social Media eshea5@luc.edu
Julia Winker Social Media Manager jwinker@luc.edu