
Loyola Bike Registration and Usage of the Bike Corral

Due to the bike thefts that have occurred on the Lake Shore Campus, the University has constructed a "bike corral" located in the main parking structure. This facility is a fenced in area that is secured with a camera which is monitored at Campus Safety. In addition, entry to the corral can only be made by using the Loyola identification card after following the instructions listed below.

  1. Please register your bike by filling out this form.

  2. Following registration, you must bring a printout of the confirmation you receive to Campus Safety, as well as the bicycle. If you do not bring the bike with you, you will not be able to obtain swipe access to the Bike Corral or purchase a lock.

  3. This registration will be placed on file with Campus Safety. When you come into Campus Safety, you will have need to fill out a form to register your bike with the Chicago Police Department.

  4. Even if using the Bike Corral, your bicycle MUST be secured to a bicycle rack. Failure to do so can result in your bike being removed by Campus Safety.

  5. All bikes, whether registered or unregistered with Loyola are bound to the University Bicycle Policy. We encourage you to read and become familiar with it now.

For any questions, please contact asksafety@luc.edu.

Due to the bike thefts that have occurred on the Lake Shore Campus, the University has constructed a "bike corral" located in the main parking structure. This facility is a fenced in area that is secured with a camera which is monitored at Campus Safety. In addition, entry to the corral can only be made by using the Loyola identification card after following the instructions listed below.

  1. Please register your bike by filling out this form.

  2. Following registration, you must bring a printout of the confirmation you receive to Campus Safety, as well as the bicycle. If you do not bring the bike with you, you will not be able to obtain swipe access to the Bike Corral or purchase a lock.

  3. This registration will be placed on file with Campus Safety. When you come into Campus Safety, you will have need to fill out a form to register your bike with the Chicago Police Department.

  4. Even if using the Bike Corral, your bicycle MUST be secured to a bicycle rack. Failure to do so can result in your bike being removed by Campus Safety.

  5. All bikes, whether registered or unregistered with Loyola are bound to the University Bicycle Policy. We encourage you to read and become familiar with it now.

For any questions, please contact asksafety@luc.edu.