Loyola University Chicago

Ricci Scholars

2023-2024 Ricci Scholars

Bertuglia, Elena - Originally from La Grange, IL, Ellie Bertuglia is a double major in History and Psychology. Her project was intended to combine these two interests by looking at the Penal laws of both Italy and Vietnam through history and culture to understand how the current day is affected. With an intent to eventually go on to law school, this was a perfect challenge to learn about other countries and their laws. The research has supported Ellie in gaining scholarly knowledge through a growth mindset.

Jin, Rebekah - Rebekah, a Chicago native, majors in Global Studies and minors in Political Science. Driven by her passion for health equity, Rebekah advocates for the health and wellbeing of girls and women worldwide. Her Ricci project investigates the barriers to accessing essential maternal health care services in Italy and Vietnam. With support from the Gilman Scholarship STEM Supplemental Award, she aspires for her research findings to pave the way for women-centered health policies globally.

Jones, Alahna - Alahna Jones from Nassau, Bahamas, majors in History with a minor in Chinese.  Her project explores the origin myths of Rome and Vietnam and how they survived through the years. On the Italy side she’s looking at the myth of Romulus and Remus and on the Vietnam side she’s looking at the myth of Lạc Long Quân and Âu Cơ. She hopes to find the different ways these myths were formed and how they have changed to survive to the present day.