Treasury & Risk Management
Policy Name | Description | Compliance Driver | Applicability | Last Review |
This policy governs all instances of credit card payment acceptance and specifically outlines how credit card data may be transmitted, processed and stored. |
Treasury-Cash Management policies; JPM Chase Paymentech Merchant Processing Agreement; Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standards |
Faculty OR Staff | 06/24/2024 |
Describes guidelines for issuing new debt and the ongoing monitoring of the University’s overall portfolio of debt. |
Banks, lenders, and rating agencies. |
Staff | 02/11/2024 |
This policy relates to electronic funds transfer (EFT) which is defined to be the transmission of an electronic message to a financial institution instructing it to make an electronic entry reflecting the transfer of ownership of funds from one depositor to another. |
Treasury-Cash Management policies; Accounts Payable policies; SPA policies; General Accounting policies; Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations |
Faculty OR Staff | 06/24/2024 |
Governs the use of interest rate swap transactions for the purpose of hedging existing or planned debt. |
Responsible best industry practices; rating agencies, the IRS, underwriters and investors expect such a policy |
Faculty OR Staff | 06/01/2024 |
Governs the safe use of vehicles for University business, whether owned, rented or personal vehicles. (Will be in effect on August 1, 2014) |
Insurance company expectation; prudent industry practice |
Faculty OR Staff OR Students | 06/23/2024 |
Policy on the Protection of Minors |
This Policy on the Protection of Minors establishes guidelines and describes behavioral expectations for members of the Loyola community who interact with Minors entrusted to the University’s care, including Minors who participate in University Programs or Third-Party Programs. |
Prudent industry practice, insurance company expectation |
Faculty OR Staff OR Students | 06/01/2024 |
This policy governs all instances of lost, forged or missing checks and specifically outlines procedures to follow to research and resolve payments. |
Treasury-Cash Management policies; PNC Banking Agreement; Banking and Financial Industry Standards |
Faculty AND Staff AND Students AND Vendors | 08/01/2024 |
Provides procedures and guidelines to ensure that all qualified 501(c)(3) bonds or other tax-exempt debt of the University remain in compliance with federal tax law requirements. |
Responsible best industry practices; rating agencies, the IRS, underwriters and investors expect such a policy |
Faculty OR Staff | 06/21/2024 |
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