Residence Hall Regulations
Residence Hall Regulations
Commonly referenced policies pertaining to living in Loyola's residence halls are listed below. For a complete list, please refer to Section 202 of the Community Standards.
202 (5) Guests and Visitation (A)
A residence hall guest (“guest”) is someone who is not currently assigned to live in the residence hall they are visiting. A host is a current resident who is responsible for the guest.
Students may host a maximum of three (3) guests per person. Guests may be checked in at any time. Exceptions to this policy may only be made my Residence Life professional staff.
a. General Guest Policies
The following policies apply to all guests regardless of time of day or building, except where otherwise noted:
i. The right of a residential student to live in reasonable privacy supersedes the right of a roommate to entertain people in the room. Visits by guests can be an infringement upon the privacy and convenience of the persons sharing the space. Guest visitation should occur on a limited basis and only with the consent of others sharing the room, apartment, or bathroom. In the practical application of determining when guests should be invited to a residence hall, mutual respect for those sharing the living environment should prevail.
ii. Because residence hall resources are intended for use by the student who is assigned a specific space, the consistent presence of a guest(s) is not permitted in University residence halls or apartments. Guests or visitors who are found to be a consistent presence regardless of time of day are not allowed.
iii. Overnight visitation is defined as a visitation during the hours of 2:00AM until 6:00AM.
iv. A “Request Form for Minor Visitation in the Residence Halls” must be completed for any minor (under age 18) requesting to visit a student in a residence hall overnight without a parent or guardian present for the duration of the visit. The form must be received by Residence Life prior to the minor guest checking in at a residence hall front desk. Minor guests must have a physical government ID with them to be checked into a hall (driver's license, state ID, passport) that includes a picture of them. Exceptions may be made for minor guests who do not have a government ID.
v. Guests are expected to follow the Community Standards of the University. Residential students are accountable for the conduct of their guests and may be subject to disciplinary action as the responsible party for violations of University policy incurred by their guests. See also §111 Responsibility of Students for their Guests.
vi. Residence Life or other staff have the authority to limit guest privileges as needed. This includes, but is not limited to, requiring a paper guest pass for overnight guests, restricting visitation for a specific guest or host, or requiring guest passes during high-volume periods.
vii. In buildings with front desks, residents must (a) properly check in all guests at the desk and (b) display a guest’s Loyola ID or a valid government issued photo ID (state driver’s license, state identification card, Chicago “Key Card” or passport). Guests without proper ID will not be allowed in the buildings. This includes expired or voided forms of identification. Exceptions to this policy may only be made by Residence Life or Campus Safety staff.
viii. Hosts must escort their guests at all times including escorting guests from the building and notifying the residence hall security desk upon departure. Hosts and guests must return to the front desk together and notify the desk attendant with their intention to check out.
ix. Students removed from on campus housing or banned from University property cannot be signed in as guests.
Residence halls are an extension of the University’s academic environment. For this reason, conduct that infringes upon the rights of the University community to reasonable peace and quiet is prohibited at all times.
Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, playing or using stereos, musical instruments, or amplified sound systems in the residence halls in a manner that disturbs the residential community or University community at large. Students are expected to abide by the following policies:
a. Courtesy hours are in effect at all times. To protect the rights of others to a conducive academic environment, no noise may disrupt other members of the community.
b. Quiet hours are in effect from 11:00 PM to 8:00 AM Sunday through Thursday, and from 12:00 AM (midnight) to 8:00 AM Friday and Saturday in all residential buildings. Each floor or building may establish additional quiet hours.
c. During study days and final exam periods, quiet hours are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in all residence halls.
Overnight Guest Policy:
b. Overnight Guest Policies
i. Students may have overnight guests (defined as a guest checked in or who remains checked in between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM) with the following provisions:
a. A guest may stay overnight only with the consent of the host’s roommates and in accordance with the roommate agreement. Consent must be communicated in a written manner (email, text message, etc.) between roommates.
b. A guest may not stay overnight more than three consecutive nights in a two-week period.
For health, safety, legal, and insurance liability reasons, residents are prohibited from possessing the following items in residence halls. This list is not exhaustive. Additional restrictions may also apply.
• Any appliance exceeding 800 watts
• Beds of any kind other than those provided by the University (except for accommodations approved by Residence Life and the Student Accessibility Center)
• Bicycles (other than in designated areas)
• Candles
• Combustibles
• Deep fat fryers
• Drug paraphernalia (see §201(6) Drugs)
• Electric blankets
• Extension cords
• Grills intended for outdoor use (gas, charcoal, or outdoor electric)
• Fog machines
• Gasoline fueled vehicles and other items
• Halogen lamps
• Grow lamps (lighting intended for growing or cultivating plants or vegetation)
• Heaters that are kerosene or electric
• Hookahs
• Incense
• Lava lamps
• Lofts other than those provided by the University
• Mopeds, motorbikes, motorcycles
• Open flames
• Plug-in air fresheners with built-in power outlets
• Power tools (drills, saws, sanders, etc.)
• Water filled furniture
• Weapons (see §201(4) Dangerous Objects)
The following items are prohibited in traditional and suite-style buildings:
• Electric grills intended for indoor use
• Hot plates, including wax/candle burners
• Refrigerator with dimensions larger than 4.2 cubic feet and/or more than one refrigerator
• Toaster ovens or open coil toasters
The following items are prohibited in apartment-style buildings:
• Refrigerators, other than those provided by the University, including mini-fridges
Commonly referenced policies pertaining to living in Loyola's residence halls are listed below. For a complete list, please refer to Section 202 of the Community Standards.