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Marilee Ludvik

Pronouns: she/her
Title/s:  Associate Provost and Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Collaboratively Envisions, Plans, and then Empowers Team OIE to implement all OIE activities as well as other Duties as Assigned by the President's Office and the Provost

Office #:  201

Phone: 773.508.7474

Email: mludvik@LUC.edu


Marilee Bresciani Ludvik, Ph.D. serves as Associate Provost and Director of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness at Loyola University Chicago. Formerly, she served as chair and professor of the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies department at the University of Texas Arlington. Prior to that, she served as professor of postsecondary educational leadership at San Diego State University, Assistant Vice President of Institutional Assessment at Texas A&M University and in a variety of student affairs, academic affairs, and alumni relations leadership roles at various types of institutions. Bresciani Ludvik also served as a Faculty Fellow within the Office of Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation as well as the Office of Analytic Studies and Institutional Research at San Diego State where she assisted in connecting student learning and development outcomes to equity performance indicators in a manner that can inform improvements for in-class, out-of-class, and program design and delivery.

Marilee has written 13 books, published over 200 scholarly articles, and empowered over 200 institutions and their leaders on organizational learning assessment and accountability decision-making processes. In addition, Marilee assists organizational leaders to identify and leverage opportunities to collaborate across division lines to improve business processes and outcomes for the students they serve.

Dr. Bresciani Ludvik’s scholarly work has been honored with awards such as the ACPA-College Student Educators International's Contribution to Knowledge Award in 2022, the International Association for Student Personnel Pillar of the Profession Award in 2012, the International Association for Student Personnel George Kuh Award for Outstanding Contribution to Literature/Research in Higher Education in 2013, the American College Personnel Administrators Diamond Honoree in 2016, the UNESCO/MGIEP Senior Research Fellow in 2017, and the International Association for Student Personnel Robert H. Shaffer Award for Academic Excellence as a Graduate Faculty Member in 2019. She was also inducted into the University of Texas Arlington National Academy of Inventors for her patent in assessment database and reporting design.

In her volunteer work, Marilee is a certified meditation and yoga instructor, certified Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute teacher (the program developed at Google), and a Qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher on the certification path. Marilee is also a certified transformational life coach who uses the evocative method.

Marilee is thrilled that she gets to empower educators, staff, administrators, and student leaders into evidence-informed decision-making and seeks to bring compassionate practices into the workplace.


PhD, ACI - University of Nebraska

MAT - Hastings College

BM - Hastings College

Selected Publications

*denotes students mentored
65. Ludvik, M.B., Wills-Jackson, C., Eberhart, T.L., Mullholland, S., Bhansali, S., Noala-Aranez, S*., Henline, J.* (2023). Exploring the potential of mindful compassion pedagogies for effective global citizenship education and education for sustainable development. International Review of Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11159-023-10009-x 
64. Hariharan, Y.*, Meiers, C., Robert, C., & Bresciani Ludvik, M. (2023). Examining stress regulation impacts from integrating mindfulness and self-compassion interventions into doctoral-level leadership courses. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learninghttps://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-05-2022-0025
63. Levine, R. A., Rivera, P. E., He, L., Fan, J., & Bresciani Ludvik, M. J. (2023). A learning analytics case study: On class sizes in undergraduate writing courses. Stat, 12( 1), e527. https://doi.org/10.1002/sta4.527
62. Bresciani Ludvik, Marilee; Zhang, Shiming*; Kahn, Sandra*; Potter, Nina; Richardson-Gates, Lisa; Schellenberg, Stephen; Saiki, Robyn*; Subedi, Nasima*; Harmata, Rebecca*; Monzon, Rey; Timm, Randy; Stronach, Jeanne; and Jost, Anna (2022) "Building Intrapersonal Competencies in the First-Year Experience: Utilizing Random Forest, Cluster Analysis, and Linear Regression to Identify Students’ Strengths and Opportunities for Institutional Improvement," Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation: Vol. 27, Article 21. Available at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/pare/vol27/iss1/21
61. Ludvik. (2022). Assessment is About Failure. Assessment Update34(5), 8–8. https://doi.org/10.1002/au.30316
60. Ludvik. (2022). Combatting Apathy and Burn‐Out for Institutional Effectiveness by Igniting Inquiry. Assessment Update, 34(2), 4–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/au.30293
59. Marilee Bresciani Ludvik & Linda Serra Hagedorn (2022) Reexamining the Role of Department Chair: Is the Chair “Broken”?, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 54:5, 25 30, DOI: 10.1080/00091383.2022.2101862
58. Bresciani Ludvik, M.K., Levine, R., He. LJ, Stronach, J., Monzon, R., Schellenberg, S., Gates, L., Henline, J. * Strahlman, M. *, Morales, F.* (2023) An Overview of Determining Class Sizes for an Undergraduate Writing Course. College Student Journal.  
57. Cook, L.P., Bresciani Ludvik, M.J., Henline, J.* (2022). Implementing mindfulness on campuses: Innovation, imitation, or creating greater mental health risk? About Campus.
56.  Baljon, A.R.C., Alter, J., Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. (2022). Embodied engagement with scientific concepts: An exploration into emergent learning. College Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1080/87567555.2022.2038065 [Journal Quality: Journal Impact Factor of College Teaching is 0.729.]
55. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. (March-April, 2022). Combatting apathy and burnout for institutional effectiveness by igniting inquiry. Assessment Update, 34(2).4-5. [Journal Quality: Published by Wiley and is one of the primary go-to applied scholarly resources for higher education assessment.]
54. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J., Schellenberg, S., Potter, N. Kahn, S.*, Monzon, R., & Timm, R. (July-August, 2021). Closing equity gaps with intrapersonal competency outcomes-based assessment. Assessment Update, 33(4), 1-2, 16. DOI: 10.1002/au
Chapters in Refereed Books 
27. Acheampong, D., Bresciani Ludvik, M.J., Lundquist, A. E. (2022). Developing individual awareness: The role of the assessor. In Hennig, G.W., Baker, G.R., Jankowski, N.A., Lundquist, A.E., & Montenegro, E. (2022). Reframing assessment to center equity: Theories, models, and practices. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. 
26. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J., Zhang, S.*, Kahn, S.*, Potter, N., Gates, L., Saiki, R.*, Beccero Songolo, R., Schellenberg, S., Strahlman, M.* & Timm, R. (2022). Equity-driven decision making to improve sense of belonging for first-generation,  Pell-eligible, URM students. In E.M. Bentrim & G. Henning (2022) The impact of sense of belonging in college: Implications for student persistence, retention, and success. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. 
25. Bresciani Ludvik, M. J. (2020). A new era of accountability: Resolving the clash of public good and economic stimulation performance indicators with evidence. In J. P. Freeman, C. Keller, & R. Cambiano (Eds.), Higher education's response to exponential societal shifts. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Scholarly Books

Bresciani Ludvik, M.J., (2021). Equity-driven high achievement outcomes-based assessment of student learning and development. Washington, DC: NASPA. 
Bresciani Ludvik, M. J. (2018). Outcomes-based program review: Closing achievement gaps in and outside the classroom with alignment to predictive analytics and performance metrics (2nd ed.). Sterling, VA: Stylus. 
Bresciani Ludvik, M. J. with Eberhart, T. L. (2018). Positively transforming minds within educational systems: An inner-directed inquiry process for educators and the students they serve. E-Book by Publish Drive.  
Bresciani Ludvik, M. J. (Ed.). (2016). The neuroscience of learning and development: Enhancing creativity, compassion, critical thinking, and peace in higher education. VA: Stylus.
Funded Research Grants
2023-2025 Ascendium Grant in Partnership with the Pell Institute, Council on Opportunity in Education, Washington DC. $800,000 over 2 years. Exploring TRIO's Capacity to Provide Career Development to Low-Income Students with CO-PIs Terry Vaughan and Erick Montenegro, Pell Institute.
2022 University of Texas Arlington Division of Student Success. $40,600 over 6 months for Research Repairing Pandemic Harm for Diverse FTIC students through the Cultivation and Measurement of Intrapersonal Competencies. PI with Co-PI Catherine Robert.
2021 University of Texas Arlington Division of Student Success. $25,500 over 12 months to support assessment design and analysis of Success U Summer Program and Intrapersonal Competencies for UNIV students. PI with Co-PI Catherine Robert.
2014-2018 National Science Foundation, $1.5 million over 3 years to evaluate faculty changes in curricular design to enhance student learning in sequencing technology using microbial metagenomes for the grant entitled, STEMM: Sequencing Technology Education using Microbial Metagenomes. Co-PI with Liz Dinsdale.
2014-2015 San Diego State University Research Grant. $9,791 to Exploring the Efficacy of a Course Designed to Decrease Stress and Improve Critical Thinking Dispositions and Persistence. PI. 
2012-2015 National Science Foundation, $500,000 over three years to evaluate student learning in the grant entitled, Exploring the Undergraduate Experience in Computing Education. External Evaluator for Karen Kim and Laura Portnoi.