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Catherine Robert

Title/s:  Senior Director of Institutional Research

Office #:  305

Phone: 773.508.7481

Email: crobert3@LUC.edu


Previously an Associate Professor in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington, Dr. Robert has several years’ experience as an education administrator, researcher, and teacher in both PK-12 and higher education. In her research, she specializes in human resource topics including employee misconduct, employee turnover, process design, and policy implementation.


Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX

Selected Publications

Robert, C., & Fox, M. (2023). " I Feel Like a Dumping Ground"-Legal Issues Surrounding Paraprofessionals in Schools. BYU Education &

Law Journal2023(1), 5.


Robert, C., & Okilwa, N. S. A. (2022). Discipline policy reform: A review of Oakland 

            USD following an OCR investigation. Global Education Review 9(3), 1-18.


Robert, C. (2022). Clerical turnover in the K-12 campus office. The Journal of Education 

Human Resources, 40(2), 204-227. https://doi.org/10.3138/jehr-2021-0032 


Robert, C. (2021). Love, hate, and controversy in a school district: A teacher couple’s 

messy divorce. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 25(1), 61-71. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F15554589211045109 


Robert, C., Gonzalez Mejia, A.*, Krimbill, E.M., & Thompson, D. P. (2020). Educator sexual 

misconduct: A review of definitions in the United States. West’s Education Law 

Reporter, 382(2), 476-486.


Robert, C. (2020). Implementing discipline reform: One district’s experience with PBIS. 

School Leadership Review, 15(1), 1-31. https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/slr/vol15/iss1/22


Robert, C., & Thompson, D. P., (2019). Educator sexual misconduct and Texas educator

discipline database construction. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 28(1), 7-25. 

https://doi.org/10.1080/10538712.2018.1476999 [SJR: .735;JIF: 2.189]