Loyola University Chicago

School of Law

Han C. Choi Scholarship

Han C. Choi Scholarship

The NAPABA Law Foundation has partnered with the Choi Family to create the Han C. Choi Scholarship, to honor a NAPABA Trailblazer, mentor and leader, who embodies grit and courage in the face of great adversity.

The Scholarship Fund will benefit a 1L or 2L law student who exhibits academic excellence, leadership, volunteerism, mentorship experience, and demonstrates an interest in AANHPI civic issues. S

pecial consideration will also be given to applicants who have been adversely affected by cancer (as a survivor, or family member of a victim or survivor).

Award Amount: $5,000

Please review the online application instructions prior to submitting an application: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G3XGDC7