Latin American & Latino Studies
Latin American & Latino Studies
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Welcome to our Interdisciplinary Latin American and Latinx Studies Program!
News and Events

MOSTRA XV: Brazilian Film Festival screening of "SERVITUDE"
November 6th at 6:00PM. Damen Student Center Theater
SERVITUDE - Directed by Renato Barbieri and Neto Borges. Feature-length documentary on contemporary slave labor, with a focus on the Brazilian Amazon. Rural workers who were enslaved on deforestation fronts in northern Brazil and contemporary abolitionists of different strands relate their experiences and opinions in this film. Although working conditions analogous to slavery are considered a crime under the Brazilian Penal Code, the regime of servitude has been practiced in Brazil for five centuries. The Áurea Law might have formally abolished slavery, though it did not transform labor relations in Brazil, many of which have endured. DATE: November 6th (Wednesday) VENUE: Loyola University Damen Student Center Theater, 6511 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626 TIME: 5:30 PM – Snacks 6:00 PM – Feature Film: “Servidão” (Documentary) 7:30 PM – Q&A with Ben Penglase, Loyola Anthropology Professor and MOSTRA XV Curator
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United States - Cuba Relations: What Does The Future Hold?
THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd / CUNEO 107 3:00 – 5:00 P.M.
The Social-Political-Legal Workshop of the Philosophy Department will welcome Ernesto Dominguez Lopez and Seida Barrera Rodriguez, both from the University of Havana, will be speaking on the future of US-Cuban relations. Professor Domínguez López is professor of history and politics at the Center of Hemispheric and United States Studies at the University of Havana, Cuba. He has published widely on the history and politics of US-Cuban relations and has held visiting positions in the United States and Europe. He is currently Tinker Visiting Professor at Stanford University. Professor Barrera Rodríguez is professor of juridical sciences at the Center of Hemispheric and United States Studies at the University of Havana, Cuba. She has published widely on the history of US trade, business and sanctions in relation to Cuba. She has also advised local governments, cooperatives, and micro and small enterprises on contracts, taxes, social responsibility, penal law, administrative law, domestic control law, intellectual property, housing and labor law.

Lit & Luz Festival: of Language, Literature, and Art: Saturation/ Saturación
The 2024 Chicago Lit & Luz Festival, Saturation/ Saturación, returns with a fantastic roster of writers and artists from the US and Mexico. The weeklong series of free events begins October 26th and concludes with the Live Magazine Show at Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago on November 2nd. https://www.litluz.org/
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