Onboarding For New Staff & Faculty
Welcome to Loyola from Information Technology Services (ITS)! We want to help get you up and running as a new member of the Loyola community. Please use this list to ensure you have everything you need from ITS.
Questions or difficulties along the way? Contact the ITS Service Desk luc.edu/itsserviceportal | x8-4-ITS (773-508-4487) | ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu
University ID (UVID)
All Loyola employees have several identifiers, but we want you to focus on your University ID (UVID), sometimes just called your username, which is your first initial + last name + a number, if needed for differentiation, i.e., John Smith may be jsmith24. You will receive your UVID during your department onboarding and will use it to log in to nearly every IT service provided by the University. If an application asks for your username, it is almost always your UVID, so try that first. Some departments, such as the Registrar and Bursar, may identify you by the number printed on your ID badge, but you will not use that as an ITS login.
When your UVID is created, it is set with a temporary password. This temporary password will only work to give you access to Password Self- Service system. Follow the instructions at First Time Setup page to set a new password of your choosing.
Have an Unanswered Question? Need Some Help?
The ITS Service Desk is here for you 24/7 on the web at luc.edu/itsserviceportal with a constantly improving knowledge base! The Service Desk is also available by phone at x8-4-ITS (773-508-4487 off-campus) or by email at ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu.
Service Desk hours vary based on the academic calendar and may not be always staffed. See luc.edu/its/service/support_hours.shtml for current hours.
Welcome to Loyola from Information Technology Services (ITS)! We want to help get you up and running as a new member of the Loyola community. Please use this list to ensure you have everything you need from ITS.
Questions or difficulties along the way? Contact the ITS Service Desk luc.edu/itsserviceportal | x8-4-ITS (773-508-4487) | ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu
University ID (UVID)
All Loyola employees have several identifiers, but we want you to focus on your University ID (UVID), sometimes just called your username, which is your first initial + last name + a number, if needed for differentiation, i.e., John Smith may be jsmith24. You will receive your UVID during your department onboarding and will use it to log in to nearly every IT service provided by the University. If an application asks for your username, it is almost always your UVID, so try that first. Some departments, such as the Registrar and Bursar, may identify you by the number printed on your ID badge, but you will not use that as an ITS login.
When your UVID is created, it is set with a temporary password. This temporary password will only work to give you access to Password Self- Service system. Follow the instructions at First Time Setup page to set a new password of your choosing.
Have an Unanswered Question? Need Some Help?
The ITS Service Desk is here for you 24/7 on the web at luc.edu/itsserviceportal with a constantly improving knowledge base! The Service Desk is also available by phone at x8-4-ITS (773-508-4487 off-campus) or by email at ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu.
Service Desk hours vary based on the academic calendar and may not be always staffed. See luc.edu/its/service/support_hours.shtml for current hours.