
The Center for Science and Math Education (CSME)

Multi-colored gears with images of children participating in science projects

Transformative STEM education

Loyola CSME advances equitable, research-based approaches in STEM learning PK-16 toward a more just community and world. More about us

Work with us


An African-American man and Asian woman work together on a science experiment in a classroom through Loyola's Center for Science and Math Education.

Science and Math K-12 Professional Learning Opportunities

CSME focuses on established principles of effective STEM instruction aligned with current standards and research-based curricula.

A Group of Teachers Smiling

Engineering District Science Leaders

Loyola University Chicago partners with Chicago Public Schools to create an innovative system for science teacher career development.



CSS @ LUC Participants

The Chicago Symposium Series Comes to Loyola!

Loyola CSME hosts the 26th Chicago Symposium Series, Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science: Research and Practice.

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Kayla and Sarah @ NSTA

CSME Team Presents on Science Teacher Leadership at NSTA Denver 2024

CSME coaches present on the CPS Master Teacher Leader Academy at NSTA’s National Conference in Denver in March 2024.

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Chicago Skyline Photo

Chicago Symposium Series, Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science: Research and Practice

Members of the CSME team attend the Chicago Symposium Series on Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science hosted by Governors State University.

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Six women smiling

Dr. Gholdy Muhammad: Cultivating Joy & Genius through Coaching at 9th Annual ICIC Conference

CSME coaches attend the 9th annual Illinois Council of Instructional Coaching Conference to learn more about cultivating joy and genius through coaching from Dr. Gholdy Muhammad.

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A woman in a classroom teaching kids

CSME Article on CPS Science Master Teacher Leader Program

Chicago teachers participating in master teacher leader cohort learn leadership skills and help other teachers implement curricular program with equity.

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Group photo of Burkina Faso delegates, and LUC faculty and staff

Welcoming Delegates from Burkina Faso

In August 2023, CSME and Loyola STEM faculty collaborated to host Burkina Faso delegates, extending support to the newly founded Kosyam Jesuit University of Science to develop a practical STEM curriculum.

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Four women, all Loyola University Chicago CSME representatives, stand in front of the National Science Teaching Association Conference banner.

CSME Presents at NSTA Chicago!

The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) Conference was held in Chicago this summer! Our team had the privilege of attending and leading two workshops.

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Illinois state capitol building with an inset headshot of Loyola's Center for Science and Math Education Coach Kayla Cherry.

CSME Science Coach Advocates for Teachers at Legislative Forum

On February 22nd, CSME Science Coach Kayla Cherry addressed the Legislative Education Forum in Springfield to advocate for the needs of teachers in and outside of the classroom.

Four educators working at a Chicago Public School classroom table, working on papers, through Loyola's Center for Science and Math Education.

Supporting Science Education in Local Middle Schools

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will support Loyola's Center for Science and Math Education's implementation of new middle grade science curriculum in Chicago Public Schools.

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Design graphic reads

CSME Published in The Learning Professional

We're thrilled to have our work featured in The Learning Professional published by The Learning Forward Journal! Interested in learning more about our Math and Science Connections Project? Read about it beginning on p. 36. Thank you to all who made this project an incredible learning experience!

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Cultivating Whole School

To achieve the vision of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), science instruction must be supported every day, all year and in all grades. Our center seeks to understand what kinds of supports are needed to help science teachers act as leaders in their buildings in order to promote sustainable science instruction aligned with NGSS.


Westinghouse College Prep High School teacher Nina Hike, wearing glasses and smiling in front of a brick wall.

Nina Hike: Westinghouse College Prep HS

Nina (pronounced nine-ah) is an advocate for social justice led science instruction. From highlighting women in science to environmental racism on Chicago's east side, she embeds culturally relevant experiences into her science lab. LEARN MORE


Loyola CSME Partner Schools

Loyola CSME empowers over 60 Chicago schools, aiding over 130 locally since 2010. LEARN MORE