
The Challenge of God: Continental Philosophy and the Catholic Intellectual Heritage

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14-16 April 2016
Beane & Regents Halls
Lewis Towers, Water Tower Campus
Loyola University Chicago

In the past decade or more we have seen a number of significant continental thinkers engage with religious themes in ways both productive and insightful.  Yet, and in a more focused manner, what can continental philosophy teach us about the Catholic intellectual heritage? How can Catholic teachings – especially those associated with the Ignatian tradition – contribute to the further development of continental thought?  This international and interdisciplinary conference aimed to address these questions from a variety of angles, hoping to produce a deeper and sustained engagement with both continental philosophical discourses and the Catholic intellectual heritage.

In addition to the paper and panel presentations from scholars in the fields of continental philosophy and the Catholic intellectual tradition, this conference featured keynote addresses from some major figures in these fields: Jean-Luc Marion, Adriaan Peperzak, John Caputo, Richard Kearney, Robyn Horner, and Thomas J.J. Altizer.

For more information, please contact: CPCIH@luc.edu

To view the conference program, please click on the following link: Challenge of God Conference Program

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