2022 Catholic Studies Symposium

The Hank Center welcomed over 50 national scholars, leaders, and directors of centers in Catholic Studies. There were three prompts for this year’s symposium:
Teaching Catholic Studies: What is distinctive about teaching in Catholic Studies? What are the characteristics, or what is an example, of a distinctively Catholic Studies course? What texts and media lend themselves to Catholic Studies courses? What is meant by interdisciplinary in our context? In what sense is Catholic Studies attractive? What does it mean to bring imagination into teaching? What individuals (for instance, John Henry Newman) most influence Catholic Studies?
Outside the Classroom: How do programs foster community and friendship? What roles, over and above offering courses, does Catholic Studies play in an institution? What is the relationship between these roles and its academic functions? How might Catholic Studies support and enhance “hiring for mission”? What factors matter most to the growth and success of Catholic Studies programs? What relationships and responsibilities does Catholic Studies have to local communities, the Church, and the world?
Faith, Reason, and Justice: In what ways does Catholic Social Teaching emerge from and depend on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition? What is the role of Centers for Catholic Studies next to, or in contrast with, programs in Catholic Studies? How do faith, reason, and justice inform Catholic practice in the professions? What does justice mean in the context of the intellectual life? What is the relationship between justice and charity in the same context?