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Marketing Your Position

Recruiting Students = High Tech + Grass Roots + Timing!

Students, like any other "consumer" population, respond to various marketing techniques—this needs to be considered when you are recruiting. You want the "perfect" student and they want a job that they understand and feel they can succeed within.

Managers Do's & Don't's:


  • Post a position for a minimum of 7 days
  • Write a Position Description that describes where the work is, what attire is expected, and how to get to your office (or which campus you are on/near)
  • Name your hourly wage or wage range (don't leave it blank)
  • Tell the student some of the skills that will be learned in the position
  • Mention if it might qualify for Engaged Learning Credit or if you're willing to hire freshmen
  • Name the CTA bus and/or L line you're near if you're off campus


  • Minimize information such as mission/vision statements or strategic plans (overwhelming)
  • Avoid extremely long lists of desired skills; those can accidentally send a message that the average student is NOT qualified for the position, which is often not the case
  • Continually edit your position description. Each time your change it, it goes back into an approval que which means students are NOT seeing your position description until it's re-approved!

What Student Employment Can Do:

Student Employment/Career Services uses numerous student-centered communication strategies, a combination of high-tech and grass-roots, to reach the greatest number of interested students.

  • Once you post your position, we review and approve as quickly as possible
  • During the Fall and Spring semesters, we can partner with Career Advisors and schools to promote your positions.

For assistance with your hiring process, contact the Assistant Director, Employer Relations (Student Employment) today at 312.915.8844.

Recruiting Students = High Tech + Grass Roots + Timing!

Students, like any other "consumer" population, respond to various marketing techniques—this needs to be considered when you are recruiting. You want the "perfect" student and they want a job that they understand and feel they can succeed within.

Managers Do's & Don't's:


  • Post a position for a minimum of 7 days
  • Write a Position Description that describes where the work is, what attire is expected, and how to get to your office (or which campus you are on/near)
  • Name your hourly wage or wage range (don't leave it blank)
  • Tell the student some of the skills that will be learned in the position
  • Mention if it might qualify for Engaged Learning Credit or if you're willing to hire freshmen
  • Name the CTA bus and/or L line you're near if you're off campus


  • Minimize information such as mission/vision statements or strategic plans (overwhelming)
  • Avoid extremely long lists of desired skills; those can accidentally send a message that the average student is NOT qualified for the position, which is often not the case
  • Continually edit your position description. Each time your change it, it goes back into an approval que which means students are NOT seeing your position description until it's re-approved!

What Student Employment Can Do:

Student Employment/Career Services uses numerous student-centered communication strategies, a combination of high-tech and grass-roots, to reach the greatest number of interested students.

  • Once you post your position, we review and approve as quickly as possible
  • During the Fall and Spring semesters, we can partner with Career Advisors and schools to promote your positions.

For assistance with your hiring process, contact the Assistant Director, Employer Relations (Student Employment) today at 312.915.8844.