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Manager Support

Coaching, Forms, Templates and Data

Student Employee Managers are a valuable group of people in the supervision, development, and co-education of Student Employees! As Student Employment continues to move into the "High Impact Learning" category of co-curricular student endeavors, managers move into a dual role of supervisor and co-educator. To support these roles, the Student Employment Program seeks to help managers get the most out of their student employment experience.

The Student Employment Program supports Managers in a variety of ways including:

  1. Manager Coaching for recruitment, hiring, performance evaluation, and conduct;
  2. Recruitment Marketing & Communication Coordination
  3. Federal Work-Study Program navigation
  4. Resources-on-Demand (templates and forms)


  • The average undergraduate work-study award is $2,000 (per year)
  • There are 450 employing departments on campus that need student employees
  • There are 30 community partners that need work-study students
  • Manager Tip: For every open position, you should interview a minimum of 3 candidates in order to find the right fit!


Forms & Documents


Coaching, Forms, Templates and Data

Student Employee Managers are a valuable group of people in the supervision, development, and co-education of Student Employees! As Student Employment continues to move into the "High Impact Learning" category of co-curricular student endeavors, managers move into a dual role of supervisor and co-educator. To support these roles, the Student Employment Program seeks to help managers get the most out of their student employment experience.

The Student Employment Program supports Managers in a variety of ways including:

  1. Manager Coaching for recruitment, hiring, performance evaluation, and conduct;
  2. Recruitment Marketing & Communication Coordination
  3. Federal Work-Study Program navigation
  4. Resources-on-Demand (templates and forms)


  • The average undergraduate work-study award is $2,000 (per year)
  • There are 450 employing departments on campus that need student employees
  • There are 30 community partners that need work-study students
  • Manager Tip: For every open position, you should interview a minimum of 3 candidates in order to find the right fit!


Forms & Documents
