Loyola University Chicago

General Biology Lab

8 - Plant Structure

In this lab, you studied the structure of flowering plants. This page contains photos of the wet-mounts you made, as well as the prepared slides of the different regions of flowering plants. For each image, identify the tissues and cell types as described in your lab manual, and know their functions. As in all exercises, concentrate on those structures in bold face type and those that you were asked to label on your diagrams.

To access these images in PowerPoint format, click here.

root-hairs coleus-40x coleus-100x
celery-15x celery-40x celery-100x
potato-100x potato-400x pear-100x
 pear-400x  leaf-40x  leaf-100x
 leaf-400x  ranunculus-40x  ranunculus-100x
 ranunculus-400x  syringa-40x  syringa-vein-100x
 syringa-100x  syringa-400x  medicago-young-40x
 medicago-young-100x  medicago-old-40x  medicago-old-100x
 zea-30x  zea-40x  zea-100x
 zea-400x  tilia-30x  tilia-40x