
Information Technology Services Policies

Policy NameDescriptionCompliance DriverApplicabilityLast Review

Acceptable use of Electronic University Resources

Computing, networking, telephony and information resources at the University, including access to local, national and international networks, are available to support students, faculty and staff as they carry out the University's instructional, research, health care, administration and public service missions. Therefore, the University encourages and promotes the access and use of these resources by the University community. However, access and use which do not support the University mission are subject to regulation and restriction to insure that they do not interfere with this legitimate work. Any access and use of computing, networking, telephony and information resources must not interfere with the University's instructional, research, health care and public service missions and should be consistent with the person's educational, scholarly, research, service, operational or management activities within the University. 

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Acceptable Use of University Computing Labs

Access and use of public-access facilities, e.g., computing centers and computer labs, are available to students, faculty and staff to help them accomplish the following, in decreasing order of priority for resource allocation and scheduling. Course work and the university goals for students as presented in the Computers in Teaching and Learning document, undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate research, other research publishable under the name of the University, career placement, and other personal enrichment goals, including professional development.

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Access and Responsible Use of Electronic Mail Systems for Mass Communication

This policy pertains to the access and use of University electronic mail systems for electronic mass communications which includes chain letters, broadcast messages, electronic distribution lists and electronic discussion lists. Use of University electronic mail systems for electronic mass communication will be regulated so as not to become a nuisance to the University community using these systems, nor to become wasteful of University computing and networking resources by creating unnecessary or excessive network traffic, nor to affect adversely, in other ways, the operation and performance of these systems. In some situations, e.g., electronic chain letters and broadcast messages about non-University business, these systems are not to be used at all.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Access and Responsible Use of University E-Mail Systems

The University has the responsibility and duty to maintain the integrity, operation and availability of its electronic mail systems for access and use by the University community to advance the University's missions in education, research, health care and public service. Access to the University network and its electronic mail systems is a privilege and certain responsibilities accompany that privilege. All electronic mail files which are transmitted and received using University networks or which are stored on University systems are University records.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Access Control Policy

Centralized computer facilities will be protected in physically secure locations with controlled access. They will also have appropriate environmental safeguards. Departmental computers housing Loyola Sensitive or Loyola Public data may require physical and environmental security safeguards. All servers containing Loyola Protected data must be housed in an approved ITS data center.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Anti-virus Policy

Regulates all computers using the Loyola network regarding the protection of information via accepted antivirus software. Computers and systems may be required to use antivirus software depending on their operating system.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Cloud Computing Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Loyola Protected or Loyola Sensitive data is not inappropriately stored or shared using public cloud computing and/or file sharing services. Cloud computing and file sharing, for this purpose, is defined as the utilization of servers or information technology hosting of any type that is not controlled by, or associated with, Loyola University Chicago for services such as, but not limited to, social networking applications (i.e. blogs and wikis), file storage (drop box), and content hosting (publishers text book add-ons).

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Data Breach Response Policy

This policy covers all computer systems, network devices, and any additional systems and outputs containing or transmitting Loyola Protected data or Loyola Sensitive data. The purpose of this policy is to provide a process to report suspected thefts involving data, data breaches or exposures (including unauthorized access, use, or disclosure) to appropriate individuals; and to outline the response to a confirmed theft, data breach or exposure based on the type of data involved.

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy

Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") of 1998 limits the liability of online service providers, such as Loyola University Chicago, for certain copyright infringement liability if various procedures are followed. This policy is intended to take advantage of the liability protections in the DMCA. Loyola University Chicago respects the rights of holders of copyrights, their agents and representatives and will implement appropriate policies and procedures to support these rights without infringing on the legal use, by individuals, of those materials. Legal use can include, but is not limited to, ownership, license or permission, and fair use under the US Copyright Act. Employees and students need to be aware of the rights of copyright owners.

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Electronic Mail and Voice Mail Use

This document sets forth Loyola University Chicago's policy with regard to access and disclosure of electronic mail or voice mail messages sent or received by university faculty, students, and staff through Loyola's electronic and voice mail systems. It also sets forth policies on the proper use of these systems. While other Loyola policies do address the issues of information privacy and use of university resources (see Related Policies at Loyola in this document), there are aspects of electronic and voice mail which these policies do not address that are addressed in this document.

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Electronic Security Protected-Sensitive Data Policy

This policy covers any data that has been classified as either Loyola Protected Data or as Loyola Sensitive Data and is stored electronically (covered electronic documents). The purpose of this policy is to provide security practices for faculty, staff, student workers, consultants or agents of Loyola University Chicago and any parties who are contractually bound to handle data produced by Loyola, who produce or have access to covered electronic documents.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Encryption Policy

This policy covers all computers, electronic devices, and media capable of storing electronic data that house Loyola Protected data or Loyola Sensitive data as defined by the Data Classification Policy. This policy also covers the circumstances under which encryption must be used when data is being transferred. The purpose of this policy is to establish the types of devices and media that need to be encrypted, when encryption must be used, and the minimum standards of the software used for encryption.

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Ownership and Use of Data

This policy pertains to the compilations of data collected and generated by faculty, staff and students of the University, with and without university resources, including access and use of computing resources, facilities and services. Access and use of university computing resources and services is presumed be consistent with university rules and regulations on the matter, including university personnel policies, faculty and student codes of conduct, departmental policies and procedures, and other Information Services policies on computer use.

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Personal Information Protection Compliance Review Policy

The Personal Information Protection Compliance Review Protocol covers all users of computers, electronic devices, and media capable of storing Loyola Protected data or Loyola Sensitive data as defined by the Data Classification Policy. The purpose of this protocol is to ensure that all divisions and departments of Loyola University Chicago are in, and remain in, compliance with the Policies established for the security of Loyola Protected data or Loyola Sensitive data.

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Physical Security of Loyola Protected & Sensitive Data Policy

This policy covers any data that has been classified as either Loyola Protected data or as Loyola Sensitive data and is stored on paper (covered paper documents). The purpose of this policy is to provide physical security practices for employees, student workers, consultants or agents of Loyola University Chicago and any parties who are contractually bound to handle data produced by Loyola, who produce or have access to covered paper documents.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Protected-Sensitive Data Disposal

This policy covers disposal of all Loyola Protected data and all Loyola Sensitive data, regardless of the storage medium. The purpose of this policy is to provide departments and users with the standards for disposing of Loyola Protected data and with options for disposing of Loyola Sensitive data.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Protected-Sensitive Data Identification Policy

This policy covers all computers and electronic devices capable of storing or transmitting electronic data that are owned or leased by Loyola University Chicago, consultants or agents of Loyola University Chicago and any parties who are contractually bound to handle data produced by Loyola. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Loyola Protected or Loyola Sensitive data is not inappropriately stored on Loyola computers and electronic devices through systematic electronic examination.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students


Security Awareness Policy

Effective information security requires a high level of participation from all members of the University and all must be well informed of their responsibilities.

Faculty OR Staff OR Students


Security Policy

Overarching policy that establishes the University’s approach to managing information security and risks. Provides guidance to identify and prevent compromises of information security around the University’s computing, networking, telephony and information resources.

Faculty OR Guests OR Staff OR Students
