
Academic Policies

Academic Policies

Each student is required to abide by Loyola University Chicago policies in addition to Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health policies. Loyola policies for undergraduate students may be found in the University Catalog. Parkinson School handbooks and policies are listed below:



Undergraduates may change their major, but they will not be able to return to the program once they change their major. The student should contact their Academic Advisor to discuss a possible major change. For a fall semester start, students need to apply by July 1; for a spring start, students need to apply by November 1. Applications should be sent to the College/School the student is interested in transferring to (School/College locations are listed on the back of the Internal Transfer Application).


Withdrawal from specific courses in the Bachelor of Science program may impact a student’s ability to progress in the program. During the late and change registration period, a student may withdraw from a course without penalty, or notation, on their academic record. After the late and change registration period, a designation of “W” will appear on the academic record. After a specified point in the semester, withdrawal from a course will result in a “WF” grade for the course, which is the equivalent of a failing grade (F) for the course. Dates for these withdrawal conditions are published in the University academic calendar.

A Parkinson student who withdraws from the same required course twice and receives a notation of “W” on their academic record, will be placed on probation. For the probation to be lifted, the student must complete the course with a grade of C- or higher during the next semester in which the course is offered. Students who transfer into a Parkinson program will still be required to follow the above policy (i.e., if the student withdrew twice from a required course for their new Parkinson major, prior to transferring in, the student will not be admitted into the program.

For more information about withdrawing from a course, or assistance, please contact your assigned Academic Advisor. Read more about this University policy.


If a Parkinson student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.5 (2.25 for the Exercise Science Program), the student is placed on probation for the next semester (excluding summer sessions). If the student does not raise the cumulative GPA to > 2.5 (2.25 for the Exercise Science Program) by taking courses listed in the curriculum plan at the end of the next semester or after 9 credit hours of graded study, the student will be dismissed from the program. If the student’s cumulative GPA is > 2.0 at the time of dismissal, the student may be eligible to transfer to another program within the University. Internal Transfer Application

Following the semester of probation, the student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (2.25 for the Exercise Science Program) through the end of their program. Failure to maintain the GPA >2.5 after the period of probation will result in dismissal from the program. The student must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 (2.25 for the Exercise Science Program) to meet Parkinson School graduation requirements.

For this probation to be lifted, the course must be successfully completed (C- or higher). If the course is not successfully completed, or the student withdraws a third time from the same course, the student will be dismissed from the program.

The student is expected to adhere to Parkinson School and Loyola academic policies.


The Parkinson School reserves the right to dismiss a student regardless of GPA for reasons related to violations in professional role responsibilities, academic integrity, or ethical practice. The student who is subject to dismissal from the Parkinson School is advised to meet with their Academic Advisor for support and guidance.

A student may apply for readmission one time. A student who seeks readmission to the Parkinson School is required to meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss the process. The Academic Advisor will collect and submit the necessary information to the Chair of the respective committee. The student may request to attend the committee meeting to present their readmission application. No one, other than the student, may attend the committee meeting when presenting their request. The committee will inform the student of the final decision within 72 hours by email.

If a student is dismissed from the BS program due to academic reasons and the student’s cumulative GPA is ≥ 2.0 at the time of dismissal from the undergraduate program, the student may apply for readmission to the program after one semester (excluding summer sessions) but no later than one calendar year from the date of dismissal. If a student is dismissed from the BS program due to academic reasons, and the student’s cumulative GPA is < 2.0 at the time of dismissal from the BS program, the student will be dismissed from the University.

Following readmission after dismissal, if a student receives a grade of WF, NP, or less than a C- in a required course, the student will be dismissed from the program without an option for readmission.

Following readmission after dismissal, if the student does not raise the cumulative GPA to ≥2.5 (2.25 for the Exercise Science Program) at the end of the next semester or after nine credit hours of graded study and maintain the cumulative GPA ≥2.5 (2.25 for the Exercise Science Program) for the duration of the program, the student will be dismissed from the program without an option for readmission.

Parkinson Undergraduate Student Handbook


Questions? Contact the Parkinson advising office.

Academic Policies

Each student is required to abide by Loyola University Chicago policies in addition to Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health policies. Loyola policies for undergraduate students may be found in the University Catalog. Parkinson School handbooks and policies are listed below:



Questions? Contact the Parkinson advising office.