
Learning Technologies & Innovation

Learning Technologies & Innovation

We're thrilled to share that Instructional Technology & Research Support is now officially Learning Technologies & Innovation. This new name more accurately reflects the full range of support and services we provide, as well as our dedication to keeping Loyola at the cutting edge of technology for teaching and learning. Our team of seasoned experts will continue to deliver the same outstanding support you've come to rely on. You can still direct 'how-to' questions through the ITS Service Desk at 773-508-4487 or ITSservicedesk@luc.edu, and individual consultations can be scheduled via our online booking site. Regular walk-in support is available at the Lake Shore Campus in Information Commons 204 and at the Health Sciences Campus in Cuneo Center 180. We are excited about a dynamic and highly collaborative 2025 ahead!

Spring Webinar Series

Talk It Out: Enhance Learning with Asynchronous Dialogue Tools in Sakai

Sakai and integrated tools offer a variety of options for students to engage with you as the instructor, their classmates, and invited guests. Join this session for a comprehensive overview of asynchronous discussion tools available at Loyola. You will be introduced to common and lesser known tools like Piazza, understand how these tools work in Sakai, and provided with tips for successful course adoption.


Stay in the Loop with Our Newsletter

Our Learning Technologies & Innovation newsletter has many benefits for faculty, staff, and students. It keeps you updated on the latest tools and resources that can improve teaching and learning. The newsletter shares helpful tips and expert advice that you can use in your work as well as highlighting opportunities for collaboration and professional development, helping everyone stay connected and make the most of learning technology in education. Check it out!

Professional Development

New! Self-Paced Sakai Pathway: Communication Tools

Enhance your Sakai skills through a new self-paced training program now available within the Learning Cloud platform. This flexible, on-demand professional development opportunity focuses on Sakai’s Communication Tools such as Announcements, Calendar, Email, Chat, Messages, Discussions, and Conversations. It provides guided instruction and best practices to effectively facilitate communication in online and technology-enhanced courses. Upon completion, you’ll earn a digital badge to showcase your newly acquired skills! Loyola issues digital badges through Credly. For more information, visit our Sakai Pathways page and look under the Sakai Communication Tools header! Jump in!

Health Sciences Support
Health Sciences Support

Request a Health Sciences Project

Health Sciences Innovation reflects the diverse scope of instructional design, creative content development, and academic research fueled by technology-based learning. As a member of the Stritch School of Medicine, Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing, and the Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health, you are invited to request and discuss collaborative projects and services within these areas.

Walk-In Support

Spring 2025

Health Sciences Campus: Support for educational technologies, course building, and instructional design is available in SSOM 180 on Wednesdays from 11am-2pm and Thursdays from 9am-12pm. Lake Shore Campus: Support for Sakai and statistical advising is available in IC 204. Sakai support is Mondays and Thursdays from 11am-1pm, and Statistical advising is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm-5:45pm and Wednesdays from 1:00pm-5:00pm. Hours are subject to change based on staff availability.

Online Support

Schedule a Consultation

Learning Technologies & Innovation offers faculty online consultations for a variety of teaching and research technologies, as well as learning analytics support and instructional innovation services for Health Sciences. Hours are subject to change based on staff availability.

We're thrilled to share that Instructional Technology & Research Support is now officially Learning Technologies & Innovation. This new name more accurately reflects the full range of support and services we provide, as well as our dedication to keeping Loyola at the cutting edge of technology for teaching and learning. Our team of seasoned experts will continue to deliver the same outstanding support you've come to rely on. You can still direct 'how-to' questions through the ITS Service Desk at 773-508-4487 or ITSservicedesk@luc.edu, and individual consultations can be scheduled via our online booking site. Regular walk-in support is available at the Lake Shore Campus in Information Commons 204 and at the Health Sciences Campus in Cuneo Center 180. We are excited about a dynamic and highly collaborative 2025 ahead!