

Check out the Wellness Center's posters and educational campaigns!

The Loyola Chicago Wellness Center, in collaboration with Safety Net, seeks to educate students on alcohol and other drug risks in a variety of engaging ways. One way we do this is by using data on student behaviors to create posters and social media campaigns. 

Current campaigns:

Pandemic Lessons 

Active Bystander

Past Campaigns:

Alcohol Harm Reduction Posters- Superheroes

St. Patrick's Day responsible drinking (2019)

Join the Wolfpack! 

Check out the Wellness Center's posters and educational campaigns!

The Loyola Chicago Wellness Center, in collaboration with Safety Net, seeks to educate students on alcohol and other drug risks in a variety of engaging ways. One way we do this is by using data on student behaviors to create posters and social media campaigns. 

Current campaigns:

Pandemic Lessons 

Active Bystander

Past Campaigns:

Alcohol Harm Reduction Posters- Superheroes

St. Patrick's Day responsible drinking (2019)

Join the Wolfpack!