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Tutorial Assistance

Tutorial Assistance is available as a supplemental benefit to veterans that demonstrate deficiency in a subject, making tutoring necessary.  The maximum amount payable is $1,200.  There is no entitlement charge for the first $600 under the MGIB program.  There is no entitlement charge under Post 9/11 GI Bill or DEA.  

To apply for Tutorial Assistance, the student, tutor, and certifying official must complete VA Form 22-1990t, Application and Enrollment Certification for Individualized Tutorial Assistance. The application may be submitted at the end of each month or combination of months. The application must be signed and dated on or after the date of the last tutoring session certified.

Tutorial Assistance is available as a supplemental benefit to veterans that demonstrate deficiency in a subject, making tutoring necessary.  The maximum amount payable is $1,200.  There is no entitlement charge for the first $600 under the MGIB program.  There is no entitlement charge under Post 9/11 GI Bill or DEA.  

To apply for Tutorial Assistance, the student, tutor, and certifying official must complete VA Form 22-1990t, Application and Enrollment Certification for Individualized Tutorial Assistance. The application may be submitted at the end of each month or combination of months. The application must be signed and dated on or after the date of the last tutoring session certified.