Facility Policies
Facility Policies
Animals: Only service animals are permitted in the Terry Student Center. Service animals are defined as animals that are individually trained to do work, or perform tasks, for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, a physical, sensory, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability
University staff may ask an individual with a disability to remove a service animal from the premises if the animal is deemed to be a safety threat or nuisance. A service animal must be under the control of its handler, (e.g., voice control, signals, harness, leash or other effective means) for the entire duration of its time in the Terry Student Center. University staff is not responsible for any aspects of caring for a service animal.
*Policy exceptions require approval.
Audio: The use of amplified sound in prohibited in the Terry Student Center. *Policy exceptions require approval.
Children: Must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Cooking: Cooking and grilling are strictly prohibited in the Terry Student Center.
Deliveries: Deliveries are to be made to the Water Tower Campus Mailroom, located on the basement level of Baumhart Hall.
Drones & Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The operation of remote controlled aircraft in the building, or the airspace around the building, is strictly prohibited.
Ejections/Guest Removal Policy: University staff may ask an individual to leave the premises if the individual is deemed to be a safety threat or nuisance. Additionally, students may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution.
Emergency and Evacuation Policy and Procedures:Emergency exit routes are posted near elevators and stairwells. Please follow these routes. Further instruction will be given via the Terry Student Center public announcement system, if necessary.
Entrances/Exits: All entrances and exits must remain clear and easily navigable.
Flyers: Students may hang flyers in the Student Center to promote student-focused activities and services. The Terry Student Center Building Manager may take up to two flyers that promote on-campus events and will take one flier that promotes an off campus activity. Flyers will not be hung on windows, glass doors, tables or chairs. The building manager may remove flyers that violate these policies. The Terry Student Center does not approve flyer postings for other buildings on campus. Please refer to each individual building's policy with regards to posting flyers.
Gambling: Gambling is prohibited in and around the Terry Student Center.
Ingress/Egress: All fire access corridors, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, lobbies and stairwells, are to be kept free of storage, displays and furniture. Clear pathways shall be maintained at all times.
Lost and Found: All found items will be given to an agent of the Loyola University Chicago Department of Campus Safety. Agents include, but are not limited to, Campus Safety Officers, and Security Desk Information Specialists.
Mobility Devices: The use of bicycles, mopeds, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, skates, motorcycles, or vehicles of any kind are prohibited inside the building.**Wheelchairs, and other devices, used to facilitate the mobility of individuals with disability, are exempt.
Parking Validation: The Terry Student Center does not validate parking. Validation requests for the Water Tower Campus are processed at the Corboy Law Center (25 East Pearson).
Photography/Filming: Terry Student Center film and photography requests must be approved by the Loyola University Chicago Marketing and Communications Department.
Prohibited Items Inside/Around the Building:
Items that jeopardize the safety of individuals, facility, or event/program enjoyment are prohibited. In accordance with building policy and security guidelines, include, but are not limited to:
- Aerosol cans
- Air horns
- Alcoholic beverages (outside of approved, designated area)
- Animals (except service dogs for the disabled – as identified in Animal policy above)
- Bota bags or wine skins
- Bullhorns
- Confetti guns or cannons
- Fireworks
- Firearms, or other weapons
- Knives
- Illegal narcotics
- Skateboards or roller blades
Management reserves the right to remove any items it deems a violation of its building policy and security guidelines. * Policy exceptions require approval.
Posting Policy: Posting to Terry Student Center bulletin boards requires approval from the Terry Student Center Information Desk. No sign or advertisement should be attached to wall, glass, windows, floors, elevators, etc. and no sign shall be painted on the building, in the halls, elevators, staircase, and entrances.
Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in and around the building. This policy extends to the use of all tobacco products and electronic cigarettes.
Solicitation: Loitering, trespassing, soliciting, peddling, resale of tickets is prohibited. Unauthorized/stolen merchandise allow in or around the building. *Policy exceptions require approval.
Student Organization Tables: Student organizations may request tables or post fliers in the Terry Student Center. For more information, visit Activities & Organizations.
Please e-mail Kevin Bryant for more information at kbryant@luc.edu.
*ALL Policy exceptions require approval.
Contact Kevin Bryant at kbryant@luc.edu for more information.
Animals: Only service animals are permitted in the Terry Student Center. Service animals are defined as animals that are individually trained to do work, or perform tasks, for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, a physical, sensory, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability
University staff may ask an individual with a disability to remove a service animal from the premises if the animal is deemed to be a safety threat or nuisance. A service animal must be under the control of its handler, (e.g., voice control, signals, harness, leash or other effective means) for the entire duration of its time in the Terry Student Center. University staff is not responsible for any aspects of caring for a service animal.
*Policy exceptions require approval.
Audio: The use of amplified sound in prohibited in the Terry Student Center. *Policy exceptions require approval.
Children: Must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Cooking: Cooking and grilling are strictly prohibited in the Terry Student Center.
Deliveries: Deliveries are to be made to the Water Tower Campus Mailroom, located on the basement level of Baumhart Hall.
Drones & Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The operation of remote controlled aircraft in the building, or the airspace around the building, is strictly prohibited.
Ejections/Guest Removal Policy: University staff may ask an individual to leave the premises if the individual is deemed to be a safety threat or nuisance. Additionally, students may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution.
Emergency and Evacuation Policy and Procedures:Emergency exit routes are posted near elevators and stairwells. Please follow these routes. Further instruction will be given via the Terry Student Center public announcement system, if necessary.
Entrances/Exits: All entrances and exits must remain clear and easily navigable.
Flyers: Students may hang flyers in the Student Center to promote student-focused activities and services. The Terry Student Center Building Manager may take up to two flyers that promote on-campus events and will take one flier that promotes an off campus activity. Flyers will not be hung on windows, glass doors, tables or chairs. The building manager may remove flyers that violate these policies. The Terry Student Center does not approve flyer postings for other buildings on campus. Please refer to each individual building's policy with regards to posting flyers.
Gambling: Gambling is prohibited in and around the Terry Student Center.
Ingress/Egress: All fire access corridors, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, lobbies and stairwells, are to be kept free of storage, displays and furniture. Clear pathways shall be maintained at all times.
Lost and Found: All found items will be given to an agent of the Loyola University Chicago Department of Campus Safety. Agents include, but are not limited to, Campus Safety Officers, and Security Desk Information Specialists.
Mobility Devices: The use of bicycles, mopeds, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, skates, motorcycles, or vehicles of any kind are prohibited inside the building.**Wheelchairs, and other devices, used to facilitate the mobility of individuals with disability, are exempt.
Parking Validation: The Terry Student Center does not validate parking. Validation requests for the Water Tower Campus are processed at the Corboy Law Center (25 East Pearson).
Photography/Filming: Terry Student Center film and photography requests must be approved by the Loyola University Chicago Marketing and Communications Department.
Prohibited Items Inside/Around the Building:
Items that jeopardize the safety of individuals, facility, or event/program enjoyment are prohibited. In accordance with building policy and security guidelines, include, but are not limited to:
- Aerosol cans
- Air horns
- Alcoholic beverages (outside of approved, designated area)
- Animals (except service dogs for the disabled – as identified in Animal policy above)
- Bota bags or wine skins
- Bullhorns
- Confetti guns or cannons
- Fireworks
- Firearms, or other weapons
- Knives
- Illegal narcotics
- Skateboards or roller blades
Management reserves the right to remove any items it deems a violation of its building policy and security guidelines. * Policy exceptions require approval.
Posting Policy: Posting to Terry Student Center bulletin boards requires approval from the Terry Student Center Information Desk. No sign or advertisement should be attached to wall, glass, windows, floors, elevators, etc. and no sign shall be painted on the building, in the halls, elevators, staircase, and entrances.
Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in and around the building. This policy extends to the use of all tobacco products and electronic cigarettes.
Solicitation: Loitering, trespassing, soliciting, peddling, resale of tickets is prohibited. Unauthorized/stolen merchandise allow in or around the building. *Policy exceptions require approval.
Student Organization Tables: Student organizations may request tables or post fliers in the Terry Student Center. For more information, visit Activities & Organizations.
Please e-mail Kevin Bryant for more information at kbryant@luc.edu.
*ALL Policy exceptions require approval.
Contact Kevin Bryant at kbryant@luc.edu for more information.