Maureen Junker-Kenny
Defining the Extraterritorial: Habermas and Ricoeur on Religion and Reason
Richard A. McCormick S.J. Chair of Catholic Moral Theology Fall 2023 Lecture
Defining the Extraterritorial: Habermas and Ricoeur on Religion and Reason
Maureen Junker-Kenny, Trinity College Dublin
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Coffey Hall – McCormick Lounge
4:00 – 5:30 pm
Biography of Maureen Junker Kenny
Born in Münster/Westf., Germany, German and Irish nationalities. Maureen Junker-Kenny did M.A.s (Staatsexamen) in English, Catholic Theology and Philosophy at the universities of Tübingen and Münster. She completed a Ph.D. on F. Schleiermacher's Christology and theory of religion at the university of Münster in 1989 and her Habilitation on J. Habermas's discourse ethics in Tübingen in 1996 where she was a lecturer before coming to Trinity College Dublin in 1993. She was elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 1998. She served as Head of Department of the School of Hebrew, Biblical and Theological Studies from 1997-2000, and of the renamed Department of Religions & Theology from 2012-2018. From 2011-2013, she was Head of the Confederal School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, now School of Religion.
Richard A. McCormick S.J. Chair of Catholic Moral Theology Fall 2023 Lecture
Defining the Extraterritorial: Habermas and Ricoeur on Religion and Reason
Maureen Junker-Kenny, Trinity College Dublin
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Coffey Hall – McCormick Lounge
4:00 – 5:30 pm
Biography of Maureen Junker Kenny
Born in Münster/Westf., Germany, German and Irish nationalities. Maureen Junker-Kenny did M.A.s (Staatsexamen) in English, Catholic Theology and Philosophy at the universities of Tübingen and Münster. She completed a Ph.D. on F. Schleiermacher's Christology and theory of religion at the university of Münster in 1989 and her Habilitation on J. Habermas's discourse ethics in Tübingen in 1996 where she was a lecturer before coming to Trinity College Dublin in 1993. She was elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 1998. She served as Head of Department of the School of Hebrew, Biblical and Theological Studies from 1997-2000, and of the renamed Department of Religions & Theology from 2012-2018. From 2011-2013, she was Head of the Confederal School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, now School of Religion.